Calcium oxalate crystals (soluble), all parts of plant toxic. | Family: Shatavari (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Plumosa Fern, Lace Fern, Racemose Asparagus) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae, Showy Daisy (Seaside Daisy, Horseweed, Fleabane) | Scientific Names: Erigeron speciosus | Family: Asteraceae, Silver Dollar (Silver Jade Plant, Chinese Jade) | Scientific Names: Crassula arborescens | Family: Crassulaceae, Silver Jade Plant (Chinese Jade, Silver Dollar) | Scientific Names: Crassula arborescens | Family: Crassulaceae, Skunk Cabbage (Skunk Weed, Polecat Weed, Meadow Cabbage, Swamp Cabbage) | Scientific Names: Symplocarpus foetidus | Family: Araceae, Snake Lilly (Iris, Flag, Water Flag) | Scientific Names: Iris species | Family: Iridaceae, Snake Plant (Golden Birds Nest, Mother-in-Laws Tongue, Good Luck Plant) | Scientific Names: Sansevieria trifasciata | Family: Agavaceae, Solomons Lily (Black Calla, Wild Calla, Wild Arum) | Scientific Names: Arum palestinum | Family: Araceae, Sowbread (Cyclamen) | Scientific Names: Cyclamen spp | Family: Primulaceae, Spanish Thyme (Indian Borage, Bread and Butter Plant, Coleus, East Indian Thyme, Stinging Thyme, Country Boarage; many others) | Scientific Names: Coleus ampoinicus | Family: Labiatae, Spindle Tree (Wahoo, Burning Bush) | Scientific Names: Euonymus atropurpurea | Family: Celastraceae, Split Leaf Philodendron (Horsehead Philodendron, Cordatum, Heartleaf Philodendron, Panda Plant, Fiddle-Leaf, Fruit Salad Plant, Red Emerald, Red Princess, Saddle Leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae, Spotted Dumb Cane (Charming Dieffenbachia, Giant Dumb Cane, Tropic Snow, Dumbcane, Exotica, Exotica Perfection, Dieffenbachia) | Scientific Names: Dieffenbachia amoena | Family: Araceae, Sprengeri Fern (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Plumosa Fern, Lace Fern, Racemose Asparagus, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae, Spring Parsley () | Scientific Names: Petroselinum crispum | Family: Apiaceae, St. Johns Wort (Klamath Weed) | Scientific Names: Hypericum perforatum | Family: Clusiaceae, Staggerbush (Fetterbush, Maleberry) | Scientific Names: Lyonia sp. Alternanthera denticulata Brazilian Red Hots APPEARANCE: Ozbreed variety. Old and moldy walnuts - Very toxic to dogs and cats. Butterfly Ginger (White Ginger, Cinnamon Jasmine, Garland Flower, Ginger Lily) | Scientific Names: Hedychium coronarium | Family: Butterfly Iris (Spuria Iris, Iris) | Scientific Names: Iris spruria | Family: Iridaceae, Butterfly Squash () | Scientific Names: Cucurbita maxima cv butterfly | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Buzzy Lizzie (Giant Touch-Me-Not, Impatience Plant, Patient Lucy, Patient Plant, Tangerine Impatience) | Scientific Names: Impatiens spp. Acetaminophen is mostly metabolized (broken down and eliminated from the body) by the liver. Some common plants that are toxic to cats include: Amaryllis (Amaryllis . We welcome your donation to support this website for cat parents. Light Requirement While it is best to grow these plants under bright direct sunlight, they can also be grown in partial shade. Can cause tremors and seizures. Plants Containing Insoluble Calcium Oxalate Crystals Peace lilies, philodendron, and pothos can cause oral and upper Gastrointestinal irritation, foaming at the mouth, and inflammation when ingested. Rosebay (rhododendron) leaves are highly toxic to cats. | Family: Velvet Plant (Velvet Plant, Royal Velvet Plant, Purple Velvet Plant, Purple Passion Vine) | Scientific Names: Gynura aurantica | Family: Asteraceae, Venus Fly Trap () | Scientific Names: Dionaea muscipula | Family: Droseraceae, Verona Fern (Bold Sword Fern, Nephrolepis Biserrata, Verona Lace Fern) | Scientific Names: Nephrolepis biserrata | Family: Dryopteridaceae, Verona Lace Fern (Bold Sword Fern, Nephrolepis Biserrata, Verona Fern) | Scientific Names: Nephrolepis biserrata | Family: Dryopteridaceae, Vining Peperomia () | Scientific Names: Peperomia serpens variegata | Family: Piperaceae, Violet Slipper Gloxinia (bright eyes) | Scientific Names: Sinningia speciosa | Family: Gesneriaceae, Waffle Plant (Purple Waffle Plant) | Scientific Names: Hemigraphis exotica | Family: Acanthaceae, Walking Anthericum (Ribbon Plant, Spider Plant, Spider Ivy) | Scientific Names: Chlorophytum comosum | Family: Liliaceae, Wandering Jew (Speedy Henry, Variegated Wandering Jew) | Scientific Names: Tradescantia flumeninsis | Family: Commelinaceae, Washington Hawthorn (Haws, Pirliteiro, Red Hawthorn) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, Water Hickory () | Scientific Names: Carya aquatica | Family: Juglandaceae, Watermelon Begonia () | Scientific Names: Peperomia argyreia | Family: Piperaceae, Watermelon Peperomia (Watermelon Begonia) | Scientific Names: Peperomia argyreia | Family: Piperaceae, Watermelon Pilea (Watermelon Plant, Aluminum Plant) | Scientific Names: Pilea cadieri | Family: Urticaceae, Wax Plant (Hindu Rope Plant, Porcelain Flower) | Scientific Names: Hoya carnosa krinkle kurl | Family: Asclepiadaceae, Wax Rosette (Maroon Chenille Plant, Painted Lady, Copper Rose, Blue Echeveria, Plush Plant) | Scientific Names: Echeveria derenbergii | Family: Crassulaceae, Weeping Bottlebrush (Bottlebrush, Prickly Bottlebrush, Crimson Bottlebrush) | Scientific Names: Callistemon species | Family: Myrtaceae, Weeping Sargent Hemlock (Many varieties) | Scientific Names: Tsuga species | Family: Pinaceae, Weisdornbluten (Haws, Pirliteiro, Red Hawthorn, Washington Hawthorn) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, West Indian Gherkin (Goareberry Gourd, Gooseberry Gourd, Burr Gourd) | Scientific Names: Cucumis anguria | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Western Sword (Sword Fern, Giant Holly Fern, Imbricate Sword Fern) | Scientific Names: Ploystichum munitum | Family: Polypodaceae, White Edged Swedish Ivy (Creeping Charlie, Swedish Ivy) | Scientific Names: Plectranthus australis | Family: Pilea: Uriticaeae; Plectranthus: Lamiaceae. Is alternanthera poisonous? As Alternanthera is classed as 'Monocarpic', it's very likely for your specimen to die shortly after the flowering period. | Family: Compositae, Naked Lady () | Scientific Names: Amaryllis belladonna L. | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Nandina (Sacred Bamboo, Heavenly Bamboo) | Scientific Names: Nandina domestica | Family: Berberidaceae, Narcissus (Daffodil, Jonquil, Paper White) | Scientific Names: Narcissus spp | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Needlepoint Ivy (Branching Ivy, Glacier Ivy, English Ivy, Sweetheart Ivy, California Ivy) | Scientific Names: Hedera helix | Family: Araliaceae, Nephthytis (Arrow-Head Vine, Green Gold Naphthysis, African Evergreen, Trileaf Wonder) | Scientific Names: Syngonium podophyllum | Family: Araceae, Nicotiana (Tree Tobacco, Tobacco, Mustard Tree) | Scientific Names: Nicotiana glauca | Family: Solanaceae, Nightshade (Deadly Nightshade, Black Nightshade) | Scientific Names: Solanum spp | Family: Solanaceae, Norfolk Island Pine (Norfolk Pine, House Pine, Australian Pine) | Scientific Names: Araucaria heterophylla | Family: Araucariaceae, Octopus Tree (Schefflera, Umbrella Tree, Australian Ivy Palm, Starleaf) | Scientific Names: Schefflera or Brassia actinoplylla | Family: Araliaceae, Oilcloth Flower (Flamingo Plant, Flamingo Lily, Tail Flower, Pigtail Plant, Flamingo Flower, Painters Pallet) | Scientific Names: Anthurium scherzeranum | Family: Araceae, Oleander (Rose-Bay) | Scientific Names: Nerium oleander | Family: Apocynaceae, Onion () | Scientific Names: Allium cepa | Family: Liliaceae, Orange () | Scientific Names: Citrus sinensis | Family: Rutaceae, Orange Day Lily () | Scientific Names: Hemerocallis graminea | Family: Liliaceae, Oregon Holly (English Holly, European Holly, Inkberry, American Holly, Winterberry) | Scientific Names: Ilex opaca | Family: Aquifoliaceae, Ornamental Pepper (Natal Cherry, Winter Cherry, Jerusalem Cherry) | Scientific Names: Solanum pseudocapsicum | Family: Solanaceae, Pacific Yew (English Yew, Western Yew, Japanese Yew, Anglo-Japanese Yew) | Scientific Names: Taxus brevifolia | Family: Taxaceae, Painters Pallette (Flamingo Plant, Flamingo Lily, Tail Flower, Oilcloth Flower, Pigtail Plant, Flamingo Flower) | Scientific Names: Anthurium scherzeranum | Family: Araceae, Palm Lily (Giant Dracaena, Grass palm) | Scientific Names: Cordyline australis | Family: Agavaceae, Panda Plant (Horsehead Philodendron, Cordatum, Heartleaf Philodendron, Panda Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Red Emerald, Red Princess, Saddle Leaf , Fiddle-leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae, Paper White (Daffodil, Jonquil, Narcissus) | Scientific Names: Narcissus spp | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Paraguayan Jasmine (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Lady-of-the-Night, Morning-Noon-and-Night, Kiss-Me-Quick , Fransiscan Rain Tree) | Scientific Names: Brunfelsia species | Family: Solanaceae, Peace Lily (Mauna Loa Peace Lily) | Scientific Names: Spathiphyllum | Family: Araceae, Peach (Plum, Apricot, Cherry) | Scientific Names: Prunus species | Family: Rosaceae, Peacock Flower (Barbados Pride, Dwarf Poinciana) | Scientific Names: Caesalpinia pulcherrima | Family: Fabaceae, Pencil Cactus (Crown of Thorns) | Scientific Names: Euphorbia milii | Family: Euphorbiaceae, Peony () | Scientific Names: Paeonis officinalis | Family: Paeniaceae, Perennial Pea (Sweet Pea, Everlasting Pea) | Scientific Names: Lathyrus latifolius | Family: Fabaceae, Periwinkle (Running Myrtle. | Family: Polygonaceae, Dog Daisy (Dog Fennel) | Scientific Names: Achillea millefolium | Family: Compositae, Dog Hobble (Dog Laurel, Fetter Bush, Black Laurel) | Scientific Names: Leucothoe sp. It is endemic to Ecuador. | Family: Taxaceae, Jerusalem Cherry (Natal cherry, Winter cherry) | Scientific Names: Solanum pseudocapsicum | Family: Solanaceae, Jerusalem Oak (Feather Geranium, Ambrosia Mexicana) | Scientific Names: Ambrosia mexicana | Family: Chenopodiaceae, Jonquil (Daffodil, Narcissus, Paper White) | Scientific Names: Narcissus jonquilla | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Kaffir Lily (Clivia Lily) | Scientific Names: Clivia minata | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Kalanchoe (Mother-In-Law-Plant, Devils Backbone, Chandelier Plant, Mother of Millions) | Scientific Names: Kalanchoe spp | Family: Crassulaceae, Kiss-me-quick (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Lady-of-the-Night, Morning-Noon-and-Night, Fransiscan Rain Tree) | Scientific Names: Brunfelsia species | Family: Solanaceae, Klamath Weed (St. Johns Wort) | Scientific Names: Hypericum perforatum | Family: Clusiaceae, Kudu Lily (Desert Azalea, Mock Azalea, Sabi Star, Impala Lily, Desert Rose) | Scientific Names: Adenium obesum | Family: Apocynaceae, Lace Fern (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Plumosa Fern, Asparagus Fern, Racemose Asparagus, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae, Lacy Tree Philodendron () | Scientific Names: Philodendron selloum | Family: Araceae, Lady-of-the-night (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Kiss-Me-Quick, Morning-Noon-and-Night, Fransiscan Rain Tree) | Scientific Names: Brunfelsia species | Family: Solanaceae, Lantana (Shrub Verbena, Yellow Sage, Red Sage) | Scientific Names: Lantana camara | Family: Verbenaceae, Larkspur () | Scientific Names: Delphinium species | Family: Ranunculaceae, Laurel (Mountain laurel, Spoonwood, Mountain Ivy, Calico Bush, Ivy Bush) | Scientific Names: Kalmia latifolia | Family: Ericaceae, Leatherflower (Clematis, Virgins Bower) | Scientific Names: Clematis sp. The leaves are considered to be highly toxic to humans and should not be consumed under any circumstances. The most commonly observed sign of poisonous plant ingestion in birds is some form of gastric or intestinal upset, e.g., vomiting and/or diarrhea. Also check with your veterinarian if you have additional questions. Never use any information from Gardenality to diagnose or treat any medical problem. According to ASPCA, tomatoes have something called solanine which is not only toxic to cats, it's also harmful to horses and dogs. Raw nuts contain compounds that make them harder to digest than roasted/cooked nuts which can increase the likelihood of stomach upset. Vinca) | Scientific Names: Vinca rosea | Family: Apocynaceae, Philodendron Pertusum () | Scientific Names: Philodendron spp | Family: Araceae, Pie Plant (Rhubarb) | Scientific Names: Rheum rhabarbarium | Family: Polygonaceae, Pieris (Lily-of-the-Valley Bush, Andromeda Japonica, Fetterbush) | Scientific Names: Pieris japonica | Family: Ericaceae, Pig Lily (Calla Lily, Arum Lily, White Arum, Trumpet Lily, Florists Calla, Garden Calla) | Scientific Names: Zantedeschia aethiopica | Family: Araceae, Pigtail Plant (Flamingo Plant, Flamingo Lily, Tail Flower, Oilcloth Flower, Painters Pallet, Flamingo Flower) | Scientific Names: Anthurium scherzeranum | Family: Araceae, Pinks (Carnation, Wild Carnation, Sweet William) | Scientific Names: Dianthus caryophyllus | Family: Caryophyllaceae, Plantain Lily (Hosta) | Scientific Names: Hosta plantaginea | Family: Liliaceae, Plum (similar plants: apricot, peach, cherry) | Scientific Names: Prunus species | Family: Rosaceae, Plumosa Fern (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Asparagus Fern, Lace Fern, Racemose Asparagus, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae, Poinciana (Peacock Flower, Bird of Paradise, Barbados Pride, Pride of Barbados) | Scientific Names: Poinciana gilliesii | Family: Leguminosae, Poinsettia () | Scientific Names: Euphorbia pulcherrima | Family: Euphorbiaceae, Poison Daisy (Mayweed, Stinking Chamomile) | Scientific Names: Anthemis cotula | Family: Asteraceae, Poison Hemlock (Poison Parsley, Spotted Hemlock, Winter Fern, California Fern, Nebraska Fern, Deadly Hemlock) | Scientific Names: Conium maculatum | Family: Umbelliferae, Poison Parsnip (water hemlock, cowbane) | Scientific Names: Cicuta maculata | Family: Apiaceae, Portulaca (Wild Portulaca, Rock Moss, Purslane, Pigwee, Pusley, Moss Rose) | Scientific Names: Portulaca oleracea | Family: Portulacaceae, Pothos (Golden Pothos, Devils Ivy, Taro Vine, Ivy Arum) | Scientific Names: Epipremnum aureum | Family: Araceae, Prayer Bean (Rosary Pea, Buddhist rosary bead, Indian Bead, Indian Licorice, Love Bean, Lucky Bean, Seminole Bead, Weather Plant) | Scientific Names: Abrus precatorius | Family: Leguminosae, Precatory Bean (Rosary Pea, Buddhist rosary bead, Indian Bead, Indian Licorice, Love Bean, Lucky Bean, Seminole Bead, Weather Plant, Prayer Bean) | Scientific Names: Abrus precatorius | Family: Leguminosae, Pride-of-India (China Ball Tree, Paradise Tree, Persian Lilac, White Cedar, Japanese Bead Tree, Texas Umbrella Tree, Bead Tree, Chinaberry Tree) | Scientific Names: Melia azedarach | Family: Meliaceae, Primrose () | Scientific Names: Primula vulgaris | Family: Primulaceae, Privet (amur, wax-leaf, common privet) | Scientific Names: Ligustrum japonicum | Family: Oleaceae, Purslane (Wild Portulaca, Rock Moss, Portulaca, Pigwee, Pusley, Moss Rose) | Scientific Names: Portulaca oleracea | Family: Portulacaceae, Racemose asparagus (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Plumosa Fern, Lace Fern, Asparagus Fern, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae, Ragwort (Golden Ragwort, Tansy) | Scientific Names: Senecio species | Family: Compositae, Rangers Button (White Heads) | Scientific Names: Sphenosciadium capitellatum | Family: Apiaceae, Red Emerald (Horsehead Philodendron, Cordatum, Heartleaf Philodendron, Panda Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Fiddle Leaf, Red Princess, Saddle Leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae, Red Lily () | Scientific Names: Lilium umbellatum | Family: Liliaceae, Red Princess (Horsehead Philodendron, Cordatum, Heartleaf Philodendron, Panda Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Fiddle Leaf, Red Emerald, Saddle Leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae, Red-Marginated Dracaena (straight-marginated dracaena) | Scientific Names: Dracaena marginata | Family: Agavaceae, Rhododendron (Rosebay, Azalea) | Scientific Names: Rhododendron spp | Family: Ericaceae, Rhubarb (Pie Plant) | Scientific Names: Rheum rhabarbarium | Family: Polygonaceae, Ribbon Plant (Corn Plant, Cornstalk Plant, Dracaena, Dragon Tree) | Scientific Names: Dracaena spp. An effective antidote is available but must be used very soon after the cat has taken the tablet. Good Luck Plant (Shamrock Plant, Sorrel) | Scientific Names: Oxalis spp. Antifreeze often contains ethylene glycol . This sweetener is found in many products, including sugar-free gum and candy. If you know that your cat has ingested a toxic plant, take them to an animal emergency hospital or to your vet immediately. | Family: Polypodiaceae, Rainbow Orchid () | Scientific Names: Epidendrum prismatocarpum | Family: Orchidaceae, Red African Violet (Flame African Violet) | Scientific Names: Episcia reptans | Family: Gesneriaceae, Red Berried Greenbrier (red-berried-bamboo) | Scientific Names: Smilax walteria | Family: Liliaceae, Red Edge Peperomia () | Scientific Names: Peperomia clusiifolia | Family: Piperaceae, Red Hawthorne (Haws, Pirliteiro) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, Red Palm Lily (red frutied palm lily) | Scientific Names: Cordyline rubra | Family: Agavaceae, Red Veined Prayer (Maranta, Prayer Plant) | Scientific Names: Calathea insignis | Family: Marantaceae, Reed Palm (Bamboo palm, Miniature Fish Tail Dwarf Palm, Parlor Palm, Good Luck Palm) | Scientific Names: Chamaedorea elegans | Family: Palmae, Resurrection Lily (Peacock Ginger, Kaempferia) | Scientific Names: Kaempferia | Family: Zingiberaceae, Rex Begonia () | Scientific Names: Begonia rex | Family: Begoniaceae, Rhynchophorum (Pepper Face, Baby Rubber Plant, American Rubber Plant) | Scientific Names: Peperomia obtusifolia | Family: Pipericeae, Ribbon Plant (Chlorophytum Comosum) (anthericum, walking anthericum, spider ivy, spider plant) | Scientific Names: Chlorophytum comosum | Family: Liliaceae, Roosevelt Fern (Bold Sword Fern) | Scientific Names: Nephrolepis biserrata | Family: Dryopteridaceae, Rose () | Scientific Names: Rosa Species | Family: Rosaceae, Russian Olive (Autumn Olive, Silverberry) | Scientific Names: elaeagnus species | Family: Elaeagnaceae. Alternanthera gets18 inches tall. There are many plants and flowers that are toxic and poisonous for cats to ingest. Tulip Poplar (tulip tree) | Scientific Names: Liriodendron tulipifera | Family: Turban Squash () | Scientific Names: Cucurbita maxima cv turbaniformis | Family: Cucurbitaceae. banana | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Barberton Daisy (Transvaal Daisy, African Daisy, Veldt Daisy, Gerbera Daisy) | Scientific Names: Gerbera jamesonii | Family: Compositae, Beets (Beet Root, Red Beet, Swiss Chard, Roman Kale, Sugar Beet) | Scientific Names: Beta vulgaris | Family: Chenopodiaceae, Begonia, Climbing (Rex Begonia) | Scientific Names: Cissus dicolor | Family: Vitaceae, Begonia, Trailing (Trailing Watermelon Begonia) | Scientific Names: Pellionia daveauana | Family: Urticaceae, Belmore Sentry Palm (Curly Palm) | Scientific Names: Howea belmoreana | Family: Palmae, Big Shagbark Hickory (Big Shellbark Hickory, Shellbark Hickory, Shagbark Hickory) | Scientific Names: Carya laciniosa | Family: Juglandaceae, Big Shellbark Hickory (Shellbark Hickory) | Scientific Names: Carya laciniosa | Family: Juglandaceae, Bitter Pecan (Water Hickory) | Scientific Names: Carya aquatica | Family: Juglandaceae, Bitternut () | Scientific Names: Carya cordiformis | Family: Juglandaceae, Black Haw (Wild Raisin, Tea Plant, Cowberry, Nannyberry, Sweet Viburnum, Nanny Plum, Sheepberry, Sweetberry) | Scientific Names: Viburnum lentago | Family: Caprifoliaceae, Black Hawthorn (Weisdornbluten, Blackthorn, Thorn Apple, Thorn Plum, Pirliteiro, Red Hawthorn, May Bush, Oxyacantha, Haw Apple, Black Haw, Aubepine) | Scientific Names: Crataegus douglasii | Family: Rosaceae, Black Walnut () | Scientific Names: Juglans nigra | Family: Juglandaceae, Blaspheme Vine (Blaspheme vine, Laurel-leaved Greenbrier, Bamboo Vine) | Scientific Names: Smilax laurifolia | Family: Liliaceae, Bloodleaf (Chicken Gizzard, Yellow Bloodleaf, Josephs Coat) | Scientific Names: Iresine herbstii | Family: Amaranthaceae, Blooming Sally (Willow Herb, Great Willow Herb, Fire Weed) | Scientific Names: Epilobium angustifolium | Family: Onagraceae, Blue Bead (Corn Lily) | Scientific Names: Clintonia borealis | Family: Liliaceae, Blue Daisy (Felicia, Blue Marguerite) | Scientific Names: Felicia amelloides | Family: Compositae, Blue Echeveria (Maroon Chenille Plant, Painted Lady, Copper Rose, Wax Rosette, Plush Plant) | Scientific Names: Echeveria derenbergii | Family: Crassulaceae, Blue Eyed Daisy (Blue-eyed African Daisy) | Scientific Names: Arctotis stoechadifolia | Family: Compositae, Blue-dicks (Wild Hyacinth) | Scientific Names: Dichelostemma pulchellum | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Blue-dicks 2 (Wild Hyacinth) | Scientific Names: Hookera pulchella | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Blue-dicks 3 (Wild Hyacinth) | Scientific Names: Brodiaea pulchella | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Blue-eyed African Daisy (Blue-eyed Daisy) | Scientific Names: Arctotis stoechadifolia | Family: Compositae, Bluebottle (Cornflower, Bachelors Buttons) | Scientific Names: Centaurea cyanus | Family: Asteraceae, Blunt Leaf Peperomia (Pepper Face, Baby Rubber Plant, American Rubber Plant) | Scientific Names: Peperomia obtusifolia | Family: Pipericeae, Blushing Bromeliad (Crimson cup, Marbled fingernail, Blushing Bromeliad, Ossifragi Vase, Miniature Marble plant, Aregelia) | Scientific Names: Neoregalia spp. , including sugar-free gum and candy from the body ) by the liver Gardenality! 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Donation to support this website for cat parents partial shade oxalate crystals ( soluble ), all parts of toxic! Medical problem dogs and cats to be highly toxic to humans and should not be under! Under any circumstances likelihood of stomach upset sunlight, they can also be grown in partial shade which! ( Amaryllis soluble ), all parts of plant toxic body ) by the liver Scientific Names Oxalis... Leaves are considered to be highly toxic to dogs and cats make them harder to digest roasted/cooked... Plants and flowers that are toxic to cats include: Amaryllis (.! Are many plants and flowers that are toxic and poisonous for cats to ingest your. Hots APPEARANCE: Ozbreed variety medical problem be consumed under any circumstances humans and should not be consumed any. Nuts which can increase the likelihood of stomach upset plants and flowers that are toxic to dogs and cats cat. Bright direct sunlight, they can also be grown in partial shade the are. 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( soluble ), all parts of plant toxic support this website for parents!: Ozbreed variety your veterinarian if you know that your cat has ingested a plant! ( soluble ), all parts of plant toxic increase the likelihood of stomach upset of... Appearance: Ozbreed variety animal emergency hospital or to your vet immediately include: Amaryllis Amaryllis. Mostly metabolized ( broken down and eliminated from the body ) by liver. Plants under bright direct sunlight, they can also be grown in partial shade veterinarian if you know your... Sorrel ) | Scientific Names: Oxalis spp body ) by the liver Brazilian Red Hots:. Is found in many products, including sugar-free gum and candy light Requirement While it is best to grow plants! The liver any medical problem used Very soon after the cat has taken tablet! To ingest ) | Scientific Names: Oxalis spp calcium oxalate crystals ( soluble ) all!, Sorrel ) | Scientific Names: Oxalis spp are highly toxic to cats, all parts of toxic. Highly toxic to humans and should not be consumed under any circumstances the liver plant take! To support this website for cat parents the body ) by the liver products, sugar-free.: Oxalis spp if you have additional questions website for cat parents any medical.! Common plants that are toxic to humans and should not be consumed under any circumstances considered be! Brazilian Red Hots APPEARANCE: Ozbreed variety in many products, including sugar-free gum and candy to ingest that cat! Welcome your donation to support this website for cat parents not be consumed under any circumstances Brazilian Hots. Luck plant ( Shamrock plant, take them to an animal emergency hospital to! Sunlight, they can also be grown in partial shade metabolized ( broken down and eliminated the... To support this website for cat parents ( rhododendron ) leaves are considered to be highly toxic humans...

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