I knew I was being poisoned but did not know which of the 13 tablets was killing me? So just checking with you guys and share your experience too. Taking several medications including Carvidilol that do cause dizzy spells but cant seem to get a consistent diagnoses and plan for the future. just may need a little breathing room as long as he is careful let him do stuff (maybe dont let him try to breakdown a large cardboard box for recycling it hurts!!) 2009;21(1):23-9, v. doi:10.1016/j.coms.2008.10.003, Woessner H, Vibhute P, Barrett K. Acute loss of bladder control in a stroke of the frontal cortex. Feeling a lot of stress over upcoming Open Heart Surgery. I had the surgery 2 years ago and I am still experiencing pain in my sternum with every breath. . I had my aortic valve replaced and one bypass. Turned 61 yesterday and am grateful that I did. 3 months later I still get tired a lot, cardiologists told me give it 6 months to a year to feel the results and I will forget about all that happened to me and that everything looks great. Some days I feel great as long as I dont over do it. At 2 1/2 weeks after my surgerystill coughing, then was diagnosed with fluid in my lung cavity and drained. My hea, Deep buring pain after open heart surgery, CHEST PAIN NOT CARDIAC AFTER OPEN HEART SURGERY, constant fear, depression and pain after open heart, Mammo's after Open Heart Surgery for Mitral Valve, Feeling very alone in my open heart surgery journey, I am having my first mammogram after my open heart surgery. Learned a lot about what tests really matter as you should. I am 7 months post op from an aortic heart valve replacement & aortic root repair to address an aneurysm & I feel my body is not my own. it is so good to hear about others struggles when I am tired and my legs just wont go another step. God bless. I had a triple bypass just about four months ago. I have read different reports, some more and some less encouraging. Stay strong and keep moving forward!! Nerve damage takes longer to resolve. I, too, suffer similar symptoms now post op open heart surgery 2 months. Initially i thought i could do it all but in the end i cant express how lucky i was to have a sister and brother to help me. Other times I dont take sugar. I'm 7 weeks out from quadruple bypass, having pain right breast. She has experience in primary care and hospital medicine. If you feel queasy or haven't moved your bowels, it's only natural that you may not be in the mood to eat or drink. You say "it's only burning toast" without checking, at your own risk. This will require a heart lun. Hi all, i am 49 years old. Job loss, purpose, etc. My PCP gave me clean bill of health. Breast pain after open heart surgery. I appreciate he has been through a major ordeal, both physically and mentally, and it is so unfortunate that it has happened bang in the middle of the Covid-19 crisis when life is in a turmoil for everyone. Long story, shortened. Having read everyones postings I feel very lucky as I only found this site looking for info on the chest muscle and shoulder pain, having wondered if it was normal and now I see a lot of you have it. Im beside myself with worry and it feels like its completely taken over my life. So they are not pushing him too much. All rights reserved. Adam has been featured by the American Heart Association and Medical News Today. He is still recovering in hospital and is making good progress. Dizzy spells are frequent. Hoping that will change in the spring when I can get outside more. If my pulse rate would behave that would be a bonus too. What are some of the things that made you more comfortable? Former professional athlete and still very active Non smoker, proper weight, etc., was ambushed by heredity. I need advice, my 49 year old son had a triple bi pass open heart surgery and I have no idea how are how much to help him. The device tells your care provider how the heart is beating while you do your daily activities. I found it very interesting to read the comments and questions above. 1086(1):8190. Mo money, mo money! Paycewhat made you choose mechanical the second time around? This is so difficult . 2019;10:888. doi:10.3389/fneur.2019.00888, (9) Schwarz D, Kele H, Kronlage M, Godel T, Hilgenfeld T, Bendszus M, Bumer P. Diagnostic Value of Magnetic Resonance Neurography in Cervical Radiculopathy: Plexus Patterns and Peripheral Nerve Lesions. Had to go to A&E because my pulse rate got over 100 .. normally, prior to OHS, at 50 sitting at rest doing sudoku or tv watching. Hi Vanna, Read my story above, just posted now. Kidney specialist called in and thankfully after many days he got me back to almost normal kidney function. And love is one of the greatest healers. I find comfort in the 3 fs.Faith,friends, and family to get me through these dog days of post op Doctors told me I could go back to work 12 weeks after surgery so my mind will be more occupied and less negative thinking. Hello everyone! Im hoping sleeplessness is caused by the meds and I will eventually get some sleep. Finally to mention the team at Nottingham City Hospital Trent Cardiac Centre were fantastic, absolutely first rate led by my surgeon, Mr Naik. after reading the many stories. I take homeo remedies for such acute problems. Another artery was 70% blocked but they felt it was too calcified to try a bypass. -Sharp pains in the balls of my feet when I attempt to walk on treadmill the past week. Would you be so kind as to share the website that you referred to (the physician led group)? I didnt find anyone on this blog who have had this condition. I tried joining a Tai Chi class to get back into shape but maybe I am irritating my chest muscles by the movements. I still experience shortness of breath and dizziness, on occasion. Even getting back to cooking a meal was a real achievement . Any information would be reassuring. Although i am much fitter now at times i get tired easy. Around 5 percent of the women who undergo breast augmentation will experience permanent nipple numbness after surgery. I had a quadruple bypass on March 12 2019. I had 5 bypass surgery with 95% blockages done last November a week before Thanksgiving. Be kind to yourself and remember full recovery can take 12 weeks. Neurohospitalist. the Edema went away after a couple of days and really hasnt returned. I am still a chronically Ill with Coronary Artery Disease, Pulmonary Oedema Patient with Advanced Renal failure needing medications BUT I have a life, although different to my best, a life, and a good life ahead. Thank you for the comments, I had my bypass about 11 months ago, and I still have a little discomfort at times, didnt know whether that was normal or not, but I am doing very good, I had a tightness last week and went to the emergency room, however everything was okay so I thank God for that. Its been a challenge! The pain can also be a result of nerve going back into to place. If anyone has experienced and of the problems I have ie: vent for 7 days or longer, unable to remember surgery and their mind just went off somewhere else and it all was so believable , continued fatigue, difficulty walking and increased hip pain, Incision pain especially to the leg where the vein was harvested (and it looks horrible) looks like a keloid scar and is very red and shoots pain down the leg, increased forgetfulness, feeling faint and dizzy, chest pain and decrease in Vision. It is great to know I am not alone with worries and concerns about what stage should I be at with my recovery. Hoping upcoming cardio PT helps. Mostly, I want to thank you all for sharing your storys and for this opportunity to share mine with you. Now it reaches above 30. I see my cardiac surgeon tomorrow for post op visit. (Ok, well hows about a 5 Mile hike in Banff instead..lol). This is the top band area that I am talking about. I am 56 years old I had a bicuspid aortic valve replaced. ), then I have some good days & dont get too tired. Just doing little things like getting out of bed without help sometimes or making coffee is a challenge. Ive always been positive & happy, but as I look back, I was feeling a little depression from feeling tired & miserable before the surgery, now that there is some Oxygen flowing, I generally feel great, I have a new lease on life! I can only say. I have found these comments so informative. Are any of you taking this drug and if so how did it affect you? The image below shows that a nerve is made up of bundles of neurons (nerve cells) called fascicles. Also, they told me in hospital to walk 4 times 5 minutes inside a house/flat a day for the first 2 weeks. My scars are good except for the area i got staph nfection but no one can see it. What other choice do we have. There is probably more. Roll on 10 months, I have had aortic replacement valve. 2012;59(1):2227. We meet three inspiring women who wear their scars with pride, and explain advances in minimising scars. Numbness might develop soon after surgery if swelling disturbs the nerves. I am self employed, so have already had to start working again, but luckily I am able to work mostly from home and my days arent too long yet. Sign up with the Family Heart Foundation to receive monthly news, education and support! I had my bypass april 3, and i doing good, exercise 4 to 5 days a week, however i stil have a discomfort in my chest sometimes, that concerns me, should I still be feeling this discomfort, I had my bypass april 3, and i doing good, exercise 4 to 5 days a week, however i stil have a discomfort in my chest sometimes, that concerns me, should I still be feeling this discomfort, I wonder how long will i feel this. They have me on a beta blocker which I am sure is part of the issue because at times my BP is 99/60 which to me is too low. So to fellow heart patients good luck and thinking of you all. This community is sponsored by WomenHeart, an Inspire trusted partner. And it may continue to be numb for several months after surgery. But a very strong heart. My scars healed quickly and are hardly visible today. I didnt have pain 3 weeks later and then it begin. There are other battles I contend with, but mostly I feel blessed by God Almighty to have this second chance. Asks Alice. Back to work but feeling very tired and sleepy lately. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. Alas, I dozed and around 3:00 AM managed to get undressed and into bed, put on my crap..and actually managed 3 hrs. I was feeling fine until I went into my yard over the weekend to do some raking of leaves from last fall. Im just tired of the whole thing, Hi hope this finds everyone doing really well I just had surgery on April 4 of this year . I had a pig mitral valve in mid febohs. Id like to know if anyone else has experienced this problem and if anyone has found a solution. However, newer nonsurgical nerve repair techniques may be able to help. Not sure why, but the doctor did 3 separate, distict incisions on my leg to remove veins (not sure why just one long one) but those are still healing, but are doing ok. The biggest struggles I have are temperature sensitive where I feel cold and then light headed and dizziness periodically, sometimes for hours. This is after 5 years of struggling with high blood pressure, then low blood pressure, over 15 cardiac catheterizations and 8 stents, an MI and TIA. I wish you all the best in your recovery! The only thing its so frustrating at times thinking to ones self its never going to end,but I suppose four/five weeks into it is still early days. Following winds to all of you!! It never goes away; it becomes difficult to put on my shirt and my socks. 2015;2:156-64. doi:10.4103/2347-9264.160878, (2) Liang JQ, Chen C, Zhao H. Revision Surgery after Percutaneous Endoscopic Transforaminal Discectomy Compared with Primary Open Surgery for Symptomatic Lumbar Degenerative Disease. Glad I found this page as I see many similarities across the posts. Really depressed. The Cardiologist had ignored my Renal Failure and 32% kidney function. Cant remember, cant think, cant sleep, cant drive a car. Not anything excruciating, and goes away right away. This was at the time described as trivial and was monitored by the hospital for 5 years when it became a severe mitral regurgitation. At least I pray it is muscle pain! I have come to terms with it is was it is so get on with it . Im pretty sure Bob will be okay just give him time, hes been through a lot. Out again after another five days. Still it was a shock to be told after a routine stress test that he had to have immediate CABG. Once I sleep then I sleep well without any disturbance (Gods grace).. Rest of the time I am fine as I dont think about it nor I have breathing issues. Anyone with pump head syndrome or similar long term experences with bypass surgery? Must admit I loved Percocet. Continued to have mini strokes, migraines, and numerous other symptoms, treatment was basically its in your head. My left breast is numb from the . Learn about Regenexx procedures for spine conditions. You may know how this feels. I feel so darn alone like no one seems to get what I went thru but me. I see u are a faithful mom. 12 visits total on Home Therapy, Outpatient Cardio Rehab 2-3 x/wk since then. It turned out my problems were congenital a bicuspid aortic valve and a related aneurysm of the aortic root. All food taste back and my chest wont stop hurting, Im depressed, and sometimes tried. All shortness of breath was gone after about 6 days of Home Therapy and walking on the treadmill. Deep vein thrombosis on the left. it really helps! If i had knownbefore hand i wouldnt have had it done but the hospital says thats nirmal most people say the same thing and its why they dont tell you everything before the operation. pin pricking sensation in left breast pin pricking sensation in left breast. Ive been dealing with this since I was 7. Going from 0 meds to a handful is very discouraging plus found out Im type 2 diabetic so insulin 4times a day! And i wish you all a great recovery in 2019..Darren from auckland newzealand. Nerve damage after surgery that doesnt go away after a few months can be devastating. Talk to your Dr. And see if you REALLY need all the drugs. Dealt w depression. I was in the hospital for 5 days. I was lifting weights again at eight months. And no appetite..if you didnt eat or sleep (all the tests and vitals they have to keep doing ) that would surely make you grumpy too..god bless you. Hi Vanna, Yes it is normal of getting tired and dizziness. Both this and nerve pain can be similar, but by and large, nerve pain tends to feel more like electric shocks. I consider myself extremely lucky, not really much pain, no setbacks (yet? I am sharing my own experience with this inherited disorder, and how I manage it daily from what literature I read on the topic and what my doctors say to how I live my life (what I eat, what medicine I take, how I exercise, etc). Fast heart rate that didnt slow down for hours, and two days of discomfort in my chest. Had a triple. It is extremely difficult to explain the experience and Im sure everyone would be different. Do take care.Many thanks. This will improve steadily. I do not practice anymore. Im going on 70 and my weight has dropped to 175, 25 pounds lighter then pre-op. Brain keratan sulfate and glial scar formation. Thanks. Thank you contributors, one and all. Thank you all for sharing. I do have more muscle pain then before. Or it may feel more like pins and needles. Involvement of PDGF-BB and IGF-1 in activation of human Schwann cells by platelet-rich plasma. but never had the pain people talk about. Here is Seans story: Im recovering from aortic valve and aortic root replacement surgery. Ive been reading comment after comment. Then while in hospital I got an infection in my chest. The PC assumed it was an equipment malfunction but she never did anything, too my knowledge to rule out that it was machine malfunction or that I may have to go for further tests to determine if it was my heart. Lol. The biomedical engineering handbook (third ed.). Hey Susan And called me on the second day, and I can see he is also not too too well alone, due to covid19. Many times the symptoms are temporary, for example, many patients have nerve problems after surgery that only last for a few weeks to months . What with coping with the sternum pain as well, it was very painful. This is the hand that they took the artery from. Here are its top four types: Median Sternotomy Scars These scars are typically 8 to 11 inches long since the sternum is cut open from top to bottom. I hear you Maryann. CT scans are more detailed than standard X-rays. I still have dreadful pain in my breasts after open heart surgery. Three weeks ago had my aortic valve replaced for the second time along with the ascending aortic artery and part of the aortic arch replaced. Thank you for your Time. But then I realize that in a lot of blogs I see of peoples experiences, even if family are allowed, they are really beat from everyday milestones. I am back to work, allowing myself to do light duty. Overview. In order to completely recover and indulge in strenuous activities, it may take around six months to a year depending on the progress of the recovery. Sleep is still somewhat of an issue, because of rib and shoulder discomfort. Went to an ENT to check my esophagusIt was fine, however he expressed that when fluid builds like this, your lung is not expanding well. Tramadol and several anticonvulsants synergize in attenuating nerve injury-induced allodynia. Its been close to a month since I had quintuple bypass surgery (Nov 18, 2019). Computed tomography is an imaging test that uses X-rays and a computer to make detailed images of the body. I am 67 and had a double bypass for 3 blockages August 2017. My score was 3700. I'm a mother and housewife. Otherwise, continue to check back to our discussions, or consider joining our FH Support Group here: https://community.familyheart.org/welcome. I am a little over a year past my surgery. He sleeps a lot. Im sorry to hear of your constant pain. At this point, full feeling may not be guaranteed; numbness one year after breast augmentation is typically an indicator of permanent changes in sensation. The first phase of heart surgery recovery can last from 6 to 8 weeks. I had a quad in May andI still have pain.If you left your breast it relaxthe muscles. Wish all of my fellow OHS patients a lifetime of wellness and happiness. I went to a hospital 3times, walk-in center twice and an orthopedic dr and they all said same thing cause my EKG came out fine as well as my heart monitoring and BP was all normal. I take Norco aleasr 3 times a month. I still have a cough which is annoying, Don It will get better-really you have to be patient-which Im not and give it 12 months, that is what Im told every day, Im at the 5 month stage since surgery and feel so much better- yes I still get tired and cant get back to being the super woman I believed I was -but it will happen. One thing I have noticed is excessive yawning, even if I dont feel tired. Hi, my name is Diane B and I had a Stemi-MI Dec. 2, 2019 and required a CABG on Dec. 4, 2019. and constant soreness in my right breast. Take care. My experience is like yours.. Stay safe and Stay well. #2 have you changed your diet? I was very very poorly no i wouldnt go through it again. Recovery was hard but after 6 months I am thinking about again running a full marathon. I don't even know what everything on my las TEE means, and I have a nursing background. Alas, I had to inform her she would not be so luckY..!! Im 39 years old and this was something unexpected. J Arthroplasty. Chest still sore opposite the incision. The upshot? Im 62 and I thought I had acid reflux because I only had pain after eating big meals at lunch time, my PcP did an EKG on me and it showed normal so I went on meds for reflux. This time mechanical and warfarin. The patient should go for a cardiac rehabilitation program when the doctor recommends . A few weeks later my GP stopped Furosemide and I had a heart attack late July 2019, it was Acute Pulmonary Oedema and Congestive Heart Failure and I was losing my eyesight and hearing was in and out, I have not progressed well until recently. I dont feel it all the time. And it can last for hours or even days after surgery. Either way, numbness after surgery can be a blessing. I had my cabg quad on June 11 2018 and today its Oct 7, went back to work as auto tech Sept 4 and so far havent had any serious problems. I am sleeping fine on my side now. In this procedure, which builds off our published work on treating spinal nerves with platelets, we inject the patients own platelet-derived growth factors that can assist nerve repair through cytokines like NGF, PDGF, and IG-1 (17,18). I was told in one year I would know if I would get the feeling back in my chest or no. Getting better every day, but will feel a lot better without the need for IV and wound vac. I had a calcium score build up test and was told I should be dead and was lucky not to have had a heart attack because that would have killed me. That was a mistake. Im Marc. Pace maker implant 20 years ago after running the New York marathon with a fever and ended up with pericarditis. Im becoming really concerned. I went to the doctor and they sent me to the hospital ruled out my heart and sent me home with my severe back pain. If the dizzy spells are fairly common I can live with that but I would like to hear from others if they have had similar experiences after surgery. The difficulty sleeping throughout the night and the subsequent fatigue I constantly wrestle with. Now being 59 may have a little to do with that, but the week in the hospital and even this moment as I type all feel really difficult, physically and mentally. The use of lumbar epidural injection of platelet lysate for treatment of radicular pain. Hi all, i wish all and everyone are healthy and overcome this troublesome soon. (20 pages)..Been home in my unit(live on my own)for past 2days..Am starting to at last, getting to a properly relaxed state of mind,with proper uninterrupted resting periods..My guess is we all become victims of the systematic(incompetent/inefficient) ways in place with the Medical fraternity and ALL are pleased to leave the Hospital bed, even if in our own minds,were not ready to leaveYoure partners feelings have been matched by mine..Am sure this must be right across the boardcheers for now.. Hi Paula, I am seven weeks into recovery from open heart bypass surgery. Post-operative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) can also cause memory loss. A small 2019 observational study examined rates of sternal healing at midterm followup after open heart surgery. Anesth Analg. What made it worse for me is that I lost my wife just 2 years ago so going through this alone was tough I really have to fight depression. My feet and ankles and legs swell. It was diagnosed as Costachondritis which is basically inflammation from the cartilage between the ribs and the pain radiates from under the breast to shooting pains in the breast. Jennifer Whitlock, RN, MSN, FNP-C, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner. He almost killed me. chest never felt like ribs were cracked. I am just tired of it all. I now feel worse then I have ever felt in my entire life. As it stands many people are still afraid of such operations. After a little over 2 months. Thanks everyone for all of your comments. I hope you are doing well and have found some peace of mind with all of this! Please keep your spirit going Maryann. And on Feb. 5th rhiz year i had a aortic aneurysm. OB/GYN. I am walking some everyday but have not been able to increase the time as anticipated. Recently I feel like it may be getting worse - almost like a pulled a muscle pain which makes me think it is the nerves. My partner Bob had emergency open heart surgery (aortic arch replacement) on 22 March in the UK just days after having angioplasty (3 stents fitted). 5 months smoke free too. I am struggling and i am fed u of it. I tire easily. I am NOT a depressed individual by any means, and have gone through Thyroid Cancer removal (15 years ago) and Melanoma surgery (1 1/2 months) before the OHS, with little side effects. Had triple bypass about 4 months ago my ribs at the front ache especially when I walk any distance but think I have been a bit stupid and lifted things thinking it would be ok but its not. -Occasional numbness & tingling in the last 2 fingers & sometimes the entirety of both my hands. But here you all are, and your struggles and victories, while unique, are also very similar to mine. I notice that your valve take around 30 years. Your blood pressure is dangerously high! The first steps were the hardest I ever took in my life. Have your symptoms gotten any better or worse with the passing of time? It has been great reading everyones progress after OHS. The sensitivity of the chest, the pain in the chest and both legs, the numbness in the legs and left hand (it still is 90 days after surgery), challenges of showering, walking with chest brace etc all took a huge effort. So glad to see this page! __________________________________________________, (1) Tos P, Crosio A, Pugliese P, Adani R, Toia F, Artiaco S. Painful scar neuropathy: principles of diagnosis and treatment. . They can occur because of anesthesia, inability to move during the procedure, or the surgical cut itself. I found a whole series of shoulder and arm exercises on medcircle dot com, which look achievable, and my physio is giving me very painful deep single finger massage of the affected areas (T2 T7). Upcoming open heart surgery in attenuating nerve injury-induced allodynia remember, cant sleep, cant drive a car going. 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