Whether it's using their fame and influence to raise awareness about your situation, reaching out to authorities, or simply being there for you emotionally, the members of BTS value their relationships and care about the well-being of their loved ones. Warning(s): None, however, if you are uncomfortable with the topic of pregnancy altogether, I suggest that you best not scroll down haha. He didnt want to I cant wait for her to come. "I'd I say? You just couldnt shake it until you stood in the studio.The room was quite dark as music silently played and Yoongi was there on his own.So, You sighed awkwardly Wassup. I have a proposition for you. You quickly said. Hed run his fingers through your hair and youd feel like youre in heaven. You nestledyour head in crook of his neck and you could feel him sigh. If Jungkook were to become a criminal, he would likely be a skilled hacker or thief. You had stumbled across a calm street and you were sure you were lost. When you held the baby, he looked at the both of you and realised that he had hit a jackpot. You both had tight schedules so when you finallygot the chance to just sit down and tell him, it was already the day of the concert. It was just at the end of spring, so it was still a little chilly, hence the sweater and shorts that you wore. this is BTSCLUB Korea again with a new reaction ". help but wonder what hes doing at this moment. So how would they react if you were kidnapped in 2023? The BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in this scenario might have been one of surprise and confusion, as they try to figure out what's going on. But Im all too aware you do. you sighedWhat?Look, Jungkook. to explain, you still had no idea what he was saying. Im sorry.. It was less of a coincidence, more of fate. Your tummy hadnt been the only thing growing though. At the age of 16 you had run away from home, and the only thing he could think was good riddance, but your parents quickly dragged you back so when both of you became of age, you married. BTS is known for its playful and mischievous personalities, and over the years, they have pulled off several pranks and practical jokes on each other and their fans. Hey, neighbor! I was thinking about a special someone.. BTS club Korea is here for BTS club night with BTS Club Korea members. And BTSClub Korea hopes that you got the answer "How to think each BTS member would react to dirty fanfiction in 2023? Its so different from his outside persona of harshness and invulnerability. After a And it was exactly then, when you two shared you first kiss. ! You said loudly. The fan excitedly told Jin about how you were one of the best teachers ever and a sense a of pride would dwell up in him. The prank was meant to be humorous and lighthearted, and the BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in this scenario would likely have been one of laughter and amusement. Yeah. Im here, Jimin whispers, his voice as soft as silk as he talks to you, taking your hand in his. he didnt speak. you thought he was planning to never let go, you didnt want him to. He really wished you hadnt gone on stage in the first place then none of this would have happened. BTS reaction to you being chubby and going on a diet . From Jin's calm and collected demeanor to J-Hope's energetic and determined personality, each member brings something unique to the table. He isnt here again. He didn't want you to need to do that. Oh, God, I missed you. He whispered in your ear. You could get so far with this, I know you can. He stepped away once he said those words and got his stuff, along with yours. He was immensely proud of you. leaned in for a light kiss. In this scenario, the members of BTS would likely take your kidnapping very seriously and do everything in their power to help and support you. :), Also this was very difficult to write multiple plots of. A grin that sent shivers down your spine. I could, but Im not going to. She grinned. She told you not to be afraid, that they knew he was a good man but was just bad at expressing his worries, she told you her own struggles with your father, and how Jimin would do anything to keep you safe, she compared the two of you to a fairytale you used to love and you couldnt help but think that maybe you did judge the book by its cover. Can I stay? He nodded, guiding you towards the seat in the back so you could get comfortable watching him work. He made sure you felt loved, and beautiful, that day. They claimed that they are vigilantes, yet you were starting to become hed constantly glance at you trough the mirror. With his intelligence and quick thinking, he would be able to outsmart his opponents and pull off complex heists with ease. BTS Mafia Reaction: Their wife running away again, BTS SCENARIO: S/O making a joke about being fat while pregnant. ", in the BTS Reaction article ofBTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023. Just a few seconds after, however, fits of laughter erupted out of you two, both holding onto each other to prevent from falling. You chuckle at his suprised smile and lean in to leave a little peck at his lips "I'll wait for you in the bed, take your time please. But you went on stage anyway.Jimin was backstage. Im Im Jaebum and I live in the house right next to yours! It's hard to imagine any of the members of BTS being involved in criminal activity, but in this hypothetical scenario, we'll explore what kind of criminal each member might be in 2023. You might try searching online for forums or communities dedicated to role-playing games or BTS-related content. Hes worries had become yours. you had dropped your pen after having scribbled some barely readable lines and was even larger than your hand. Taehyung was actualy excited after the two of you were driving away. couldnt exactly do that to your friends about most subjects that ran trough Jesus." He'd hesitate once you didn't show any kind of . You got some hums in return as it was in fact quite early.Hows practice going? You asked Jin who stayed standing next to you after the coffee was paid for.Lets just say Im not the best dancer. He chuckled.Im sure thats not true. You smiled, packing up to leave again. BTS Reaction to a guy hitting on you is provided by BTSClub Korea, but it's made by the BTS Reactions. As soon as you stood up you felt the blood rush from your head and you fell back down, the other members catching you on the way and Jimin came running onto the stage.Jagi!? Y/N He whisper yelled.I propose we run. You said, and he immediately ran to your car with you. Apologies, but a nurse just took him for more tests. The man stated. Hed been working extremely hard and tried to keep himself from feeling guilty but the moment he saw your tired state, all the guilt just flowed over him at once and hed apologisevigorouslybetweentears. As soon as he got back with two cups of instant ramen, he smiled again seeing you behind the counter desk. Hey! He wanted to take you home but also needed to practice. He carried you off stage bridal style and placed you on the couch in the changing room. I was very thankful of your quick action. light you were seated at before, he noticed your journal. Min Yoongi: Originally posted by imonaworldtour. Hed be all the way up to the seventh sky and start gossiping with the fan about how he admired you and that the fan was really lucky to be taught by you. Just saying.. He realised that he became lucky and that there was absolutely no power in the world that would stop himself from loving and adoring you both. In this prank, several members of the group ambushed an American tourist and pretended to kidnap him. You actually had been pregnant for a while already and had the tendency to feel lightheaded. Is there any (Random flavour) Ramen over here? He asked you hopefully. You often thought, Whats the point of this whole thing? No, the real question is; Whats the point of being with him? It was then that you realized how much you would miss him and his ways of making you smile, laugh, happy, angry, comfortable, everything. You smile weakly and hold a hand out to him, knowing his words came out far harsher than he meant them to. You had been pregnant for 16 weeks now, with twins even, and you were definitely showing. The cocky bunny. He took a while off the tour just to be with his hero, and fans understoud completely. You could also try reaching out to other BTS fans on social media or through fan groups and see if anyone is interested in participating. You smile and tell him that its okay and that he should make it up by singing to you. Your disappointment, however, soon vanished as he continued,If you need anything, though, please dont hesitate one even bit before coming to my house! You had no words to say, all words had been stolen by his. So right as Namjoon stepped past her, and she turned her back to you, you tried to grab her gun. When he got back, there were only a few more songs to go and he started to relax.But as he calmly sat himself down, he quickly rose up again. Hoseok started dancing and you automatically joined in despite your previous protest. At that time, the feeling of pure affection and love overpowered all that he had felt a few minutes ago. BTS Reaction to a guy hitting on you is provided by BTSClub Korea, but it's made by the BTS Reactions. If youre BTS REACTION: A fan telling them that their wife is the best Physics teacher theyve had. See you tomorrow.Y/N, Wait a sec. Yoongi called, jogging over. As you all know thisBTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023is very popular and the most searched among the BTS Reactions. You raised your face and eyes to his endearing ones and looked into them with passion, love, everything you had in yourself. Damn it! It's possible that you've become interested in this fictional scenario or role-playing game, and you're looking for other fans who share your interests. If you're looking to participate in the BTS Mafia or connect with other fans who are interested in this scenario, there are a few things you can try. However, you didnt trust him, youd spend more time with him, but youd remind yourself every time that you couldnt trust him. What were you saying? He smirked and stole a chaste kiss. Your wound sere tended to and Namjoon stayed by your side for a long time. You mind coming over after your shift?Yh sure, see you then. You smiled. What are some pranks that BTS ever got in 2023? away. And BTSClub Korea hopes that you got the answer "What do you think of the BTS kidnap prank on Americans in 2023? seeing your head nod once in a while was both the cutest and most heartbreakingthing for him. And his silence worried you. You both fell asleep like this but it was merely a short nap for rapmon as she soon woke up again and started working on his music with you still fast asleep on his lap. Oh Minho Im You went to touch it lightly, your In 2023, there were several notable pranks that BTS got up to, including: The kidnap prank: This was perhaps the most controversial and talked-about prank that BTS pulled off in 2023. I mean, shes my wife, after all.. Sadly, I have to deny your tempting offer. Whenever I see you with kids, you go to them and theres just this aura around you that makes one feel like youre extremely approachable. Hed inform himself as much as he could and hed even make you an appointmentwith the gynaecologistbefore the concert no matter what just to be sure it was okay. It was complete nostalgia, from when you were five to when you kissed Hoseok, you remembered every little detail. Thank you for the request. Just as you twisted the mans arm behind his back, a knife dropped out of his pocket that he was reaching for. he BTS kidnap prank on an American in 2023 was a highly publicized and controversial event. he hated seeing you this tired. He held his beloved newborn in his compartively large hands. , and we can achieve this only through the fan Support of BTS. may i request a ship at first sight for nct, got7 and bts? Note: Im sorry, this isnt my best work. It was from you, after all. He reciprocated your actions before you replied and wash his hands in the sink. Trying to stay calm as he talked to your manager but never leaving that room. You could feel your blood boiling as you saw yoongi clearly trying to get out. He was your classmate. No worries, really. Hed-. Youre not fat, You never have been and you never will be. He smiled, kissing your exposed shoulder. Yet even when he attempted t's hard to imagine any of the members of BTS being involved in criminal activity, BTSClub Korea hopes that you all loved this ", " and all the varieties covered in this BTS Reaction. Hed be calm the entire time, taking care of you, taking you to the hospital before driving you home. Watch more of Esquire's 'Explain This' episodes HERE:. change, change what he did, but for now hed just hold you close, telling himself "Why, babe?I feel like- He sighed heavily before continuing,I feel like Ill be lacking as a father even though, I love our child already., Thefact that he had thought of this and that he confessed his love for his unborn child had really gotten to the core of your heart. However, you pulled away from him, lifting He thought it was so awesome what you had done, yet he was thankful you came along. So the second she heard your voice, she was more fearful than hoseok was. You You scared me. !" Originally posted by arkysal If he could pee for you he would. He thought it was ridiculous that you would risk yourself for him. Not long after, he became teary-eyed. Thanks., I tried to keep most of them pretty calm but I was out of ideas so here we are with the intense angst. Jungkook would be glued to his phone all day, waiting for your call when he receivedyour managers. Yet when he one day came home badly wounded, and wouldnt tell you Oh, look. Theres nothing like us, theres nothing like you and me, together through the storm. Hence we can conclude that it's hard to imagine any of the members of BTS being involved in criminal activity. You were on a walk of your own, to the dorm in fact, when you saw them. Youve been eating cheese sticks dipped in nutella. he laughed. You cupped his face lovingly, his arms still around your waist, and you said,You would make an amazing father, honey. Eventually, you had to remind him to get what he needed before you two would get carried away. You signaled for her to get off, you could see Jimins eyes opening and she glanced back at him. But he also knew that you needed him to be calm and just be there for you so he was. Maybe we should go back? But when you looked around, neither of you knew how. She wanted him, and made it clear shed kill you to get what she wanted, if she had to. Your belly proving that fact. Mafia BTS reacting to you being a spy . He slightly blamed himself. Regardless of your motivations, it's important to keep in mind that the BTS Mafia is purely fictional and does not represent real-world events or situations. Good morning! You chimed walking into the studio with your large batch of coffee. Miss Y/N, CEO of Jung Coorperations wanted to seal the companionship between the companies upon this meeting. I was so scared, I thought that maybe the damage was too severe. Youre already here? Hoseok said in pleased surprise as he walked in. There was no way he was going to let you perform after that. -RM (Kim Nam Joon)- You and Namjoon were walking down the street in the dead of night. Honestly, you didnt understand how they even got to him. You rest your other hand on top of his comfortingly, squeezing it gently. Can someone help me find the BTS Mafia I'm searching for in 2023? There she is! Then he shifts and bounds off into the night, tracking the your fading scent out of his pack territory. You are expected in the dressing room. You called for him. He offered for you to stay until he was done and of course you did, falling asleep watching him. It's alright if you do everything you want to do. Would it be worth it? Huh? Youd just hug him as his forehead was on your shoulder. It's a form of entertainment and should not be taken too seriously. He rushed to your side but didnt say much until you were both in the car.Why didnt you tell me youre pregnant? He suddenly asked startling you.At first I didnt want to worry you and I wanted to perform but afterwards I just didnt know how to tell you. You sighed.Hey, even if I didnt approve completely, I would sill have supported your decision. He took your hand in his, soothingly rubbing his thumb over its surface. Like it was his first and last time. This is fluffy and shit and theres just cheese everywhere. after the particular song was done, all of you bowed to the crowed and when you rose up once more, you couldnt keep yourself upright, seeing stars appear in front of your vision before you lost consciousness.You were in the first aid tent when you woke up again.Jin was already on his way to come pick you up like he had promised, completely oblivious to what was going on until he relieved a call from your manager which went along the lines ofHello sir. Youd often sit at the same bar and whenever neither of you were occupied with a possible hookup, youd talk. I was just making a joke. You laughed.Since I have you to smother with love and cheesiness. He grinned, standing back up. You held your wrist, and the gun dropped to the floor. This man would be so excited and happy. It's the properties of BTS and we are here to provide theseBTS Reactions just for information. Thank you all for watching! You pout and plead until he finally gives in, kissing your forehead as he sings to you in his angelic voice. anything about it, you questioned if that was all he did. She could, like, plan to destroy the world and create a new one and no one could do anything!. Thatd only give him more reasons to love you endlessly, just like the one the fan just mentioned. Yet you didnt mind, you knew this was worth it. They would likely take your kidnapping very seriously and do everything in their power to help and support you. You didnt take advantageof this of course but a few times a week hed come home at least slightly earlier so the both of you could get some proper sleep and loving. Hed tell you he loves you so many times and would take you homeimmediately. You wince and he pulls back a little, but still maintains physical contact with you, Im sorry I took so long. However, he would ask the fan about what else youd do at school, habit-wise. Your gaze finally met his again in concern, but Im so sorry but I need to continue working right now. he sighed looking down at you. You share laughs with them and theres not one time that, after interacting with a child, you didnt come to me talking about the child and how you were so impatient to have one of your own. Youve been through an ordeal, but you need to know that its over now. Im just so glad I got you out. What I think is that, baby, youll make a father who is beyond amazing.. You left, not knowing what else to do, but only a few days later you already found yourself back on the doorstep of your shared mansion. It happened again, In this scenario, the members of BTS would likely be upset and offended by dirty fanfiction that portrays them in a sexually explicit or demeaning way. He couldnt believe your strory, he was so thankful that you came along. sorry. He continuously muttered, leaving kisses on the top of your head. Man, it was hard to find a scenario for each of them. the entire hall went quiet for a second until you fell.You would have fallen off stage if it werent for the other member who had ran to your side. I used to think I was fat, look at me now. You said, showing off your belly, probably sounding a bit too serious but your Finally five days later one of his guys found you. Fuck you worried me sick, you spoiled fucking princess, Yoongi spits, his frustration from the last few 10 days overflowing. You walked to the elevator. him shift from his seated position and his arms wrapped around you so tightly Now get off, or I call the police. Your voice was venomous, causing her to get off with one last glance, before she ran. You, him and his younger brother would all be at the beach. Whenever you seemed to be having a bad day, hed be gentle, ask you if you want to talk, even asking the maids to cook your favourite dish, and whenever you had any sort of request, hed take care of it. Taehyung didnt even realise he was being kidnapped. The blindfold prank: In this prank, BTS members blindfolded each other and tried to navigate through various challenges and tasks. How is it longer when I didnt have inspiration. You two had been together for years and you knew that you loved him dearly and so did he. Get in the damn car. The man said a bit more demanding this time. I wish you could just be safe at home, but I know I cant demand that of I hope you guys understand. The victim, who was reportedly terrified and panicked during the incident, later revealed that he had been in on the prank and was a friend of the group. You smile fondly at him, knowing that had that door been open, Jimin would never have talked in such a soft tone. Ew. Hell no. Bro, thats gross. Doesnt suit us. A series of comments passed on by both of you, expressing your 'disgust in the recent situation. I was just about to start! You came down the staircase, thinking about how you would greet, as you assumed, your new neighbor. 4 days later, your eyes crack open, and you begin to stir. always so quiet yet your mind seemed to scream so loudly. What is this about a kidnapping? You asked casually. You had been accepted in a foreign university. When you woke up, he rushed to you, asking if you were okay and hed drive you to the hospital just to be sure. He found you in the stone cold basement. You dialed his number and let it ring, but no answer. When you told him about your pregnancy only a day before the concert he didnt know what to do. Before you knew it you were on your way back, to find a fuming Jimin in the living room. this is BTSCLUB Korea again with a new reaction "BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023". You immediatly knew this was bad news, and walked up behind the man. The front door opened without you I I watched every moment of it from the live feed they sent me. Among the masses you were know as ruthless and a master of martial arts, so no one dared mess with you. I had everything under control. He smiled but you gave him a knowing stare. You went up to him, hugging his sweaty form. Shes awesome. Youfirst saw him in a convenience store across the road, parallel to the one that you work in as a cashier. He had all his guys out looking for you because he needed you home. Obviously you didnt trust it. It was then that you realized him that you loved him. And a phenomenal mother. He added. It was awful to watch, and I cant even imagine what it was like for you. It was how he would take you to the simplest places just to show you the beauty of life. He wouldnt be surprised about what he just heard because he experianced how smart and hard working you were, first-hand. n 2023, there were several notable pranks that BTS got up to. She glared at you ands saidNO, I need to take care of him.. cheeks and you fought the urge to jerk away from him. going to react that way against an intruder I dont need to worry when youre The BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped by Jin would probably involve a lot of negotiation and persuasion as he tries to convince you to go along with his plans. You have breakfast and dinner together, youd sleep in the same Emperor sized bed and youd never question him about work or anything else for that matter. Im so sorry, where are my manners? Neither your pants or your shirts fitted anymore and even your bras had become uncomfortable. Mafia BTS meeting you for the first time on the job. 1. your mind was focused on the subject. When the fan would reply correctly, he would start complimenting you, in front of the fan, non-stop. Hyejin here to praise my precious hoobae Saturn because I love this reaction. I was saying that you should stop thinking of me too much. He smugly replied. BTSClub Korea hopes that you all loved this "BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023" and all the varieties covered in this BTS Reactionto you being kidnapped. :)~Hyejin. He would playfully boast about you to the fan and his princess mode would be activated. Im here jagiya, and thatll never happen t you again, Jin tells you, his voice soft and soothing, not wanting to startle you as he enters and moves to sit on the chair beside your bed. Is it something you would willingly give your everything to? A drawback, though, was that your father was a business man, and unlike what most people thought of businessmen, he was the type who had to move a lot in order for his business to reach to the top, despite being one of the most successful people in the country. You realised that you truly had judged the book by its cover, as the vicious beast, turned out to be a loving pup. I just, I just cant take that thought. You heard You say that the beauty of life can come to one in any form but, yours was the most blessed of them all. You ran up to him. He rushed to the concert hall and when he arrived he already saw you up and standing. You slowly got back up, your fellow members had come to your aid as it was taking you so long. It pained him badly knowing you were It's also worth noting that the BTS reaction to you being kidnapped would likely be one of concern and support, rather than involvement in a fictional mafia scenario. He carried you off stage and the girls explained the situation before following behind.After you had regained consciousnesshe wouldnt even let you sit up without his help. He'd try his best to comfort you because the last thing he wanted was you being hurt because of something he did. Put you phone away. she signaled. Okay this became more angst that I meant for it to be but for some reason Mafia!Minho is just an angsty boi. You had asked your doctor if it was okay to perform when he had told you the news and he said it should be fine as long as you take care of yourself. The first time you ran, you didnt really run from him, you ran from the mafia lifestyle, kind of. You heard him refuse, saying hed rather walk. He let you know that he was infact at the studio waiting for some of the other boys. Fromwhat you could see, his face displayed an adorable pout and you found yourself staring at him until a customer came at your desk to purchase some things which shifted your attention. Bts kidnap prank on Americans in 2023 whenever neither of you, expressing your in! Harsher than he meant them to, it was awful to watch, and she glanced back at him and... Club night with BTS club night with BTS club night with BTS club night BTS... Have talked in such a soft tone said in pleased surprise as he talks to being... The storm that he was going to let you know that he should make it up singing. 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