He at first, shot you a weird look but did what you told him to. The others who think they dont have to work at all, will be slapped in the face by reality one day. We should go home, put on dry clothes after we take a shower before we can talk about what happened this afternoon. he sighed, his heart still clenching at the thought. A song was playing softly in the background and his eyes looked at you with so much love and admireness when a tiny smile appeared on your face. The sight made your heart clench and before Yoongi could even utter some word you already pulled him down, burying his head against your chest, your hands rubbing circles in his back as you whispered soothing words in his hair. little breath clouds appearing in front of you with every sob leaving your body as you sat on the steps infront of your door. Youre so selfless it hurts me. Everyone stared at the pile of chestnuts in front of their door not knowing the meaning of it. Im still here. he whispered in your hair after he nestled you in his chest, arms tightening his hold on you as if he was afraid you would vanish soon. Working hard means showing how dedicated you are. You felt embarassed, you felt bad thinking that he would think he wasnt enough. I know they dont but dont you think that if youre sleep deprived that it is harder to come up with words. I want you to tear my clothes of my body, Your wish is my command sweetheart but I cant guarantee it will only be your clothes.. it will ache so much. Youre not alone anymore. Taehyung spoke up softly not wanting to interrupt the peaceful sounds of nature and not wanting to scare the animals away. I dont want to hear more. you hiccuped, not having the strenght to face him right now. Before he could you ask why again, you were already rubbing his cheek with yours, your hands still holding onto his neck tightly so he couldnt break away so easily. Im so tired. Hoseok replied, his eyes closing from the feeling your hands made. I will try to keep my work good okay? Why is it only socially acceptable to only cry if somethingsad happens. His heart broke seeing you like this and so he made his mission to make you smile, not leaving until the mission was a succes so he walked over to you silently, stood beside you and lowered his head facing the back of your head. So more often than not he would keep a close eye on you, making sure you are not seriously injuring yourself. Hoseok snuggled closer, hiding his face against your tummy, his hands holding your waist carefully. Your heart ached when you saw him, he was dissapointed you could tell eventhough he tried to hide it. Yoongi.. Stop that y/n, you will only hurt yourself. Namjoons voice suddenly spoke worriedly, approaching you in quick steps. You two were sitting on the couch in the dorm, quitely doing your own thing when suddenly he heard those words coming from your mouth combined with your hot breath. Hoseok get out of my way I need to study. you whimpered, eyes filling with water as your vision blurred. He was scared, to him your words sounded like you couldnt be with him anymore. like the world stood still as if you were sharing a secret with earth, her showing a side no-one else was allowed to see. Smiling at beautiful spot youve choosen, you carefully sat down between the little yellow buttercups, not wanting to crush those precious flowers. BTS Reacts: Proposing To You On Stage (Hyungs All I can do is call you or skype you but it isnt the same as being their in person. The tight grip you had on his shirt, loosened, heartbeat slowing down, your mind blank and just stared, not focusing on anything but his voice. We can watch a movie or just talk about everything what comes to our minds, whatever you want we do. You were confused. The boys did a great job at distracting you. You ran away from your problems instead of facing them head on. Yoongi: He's more worried about protecting you so you two are battling over who's going to protect each other and the boys can't but laugh at you two. They were pleading for an answer, pleading you to make an end to his aching heart. I am sorry. you shot out. You scolded me y/n.. you scolded me like a mother would scold his child when he doesnt listen. Good, now turn around so we can cuddle you giggled, sliding down your arm from his neck while he turned around to face you. Can you like, bend down a bit? you told him more than asking. Your eyes snapped to his, heart tightening when you saw the look on his face. Is it fun chilling on the ground? To bystanders it seemed friendly but the three of you knew it was far from that as Jungkook put a lot of pressure on that poor mans shoulder. Always knowing what to say, always helping you out. You still confused why your brother laughed while patting Hoseoks back, stoop up and greeted your boyfriend with a peck on his cheeks. I am calm baby, now give them to me. Understood. he replied in his soft voice, still a bit shaky from crying. What has it been? You cant always have the best grades and you should not want it too. Clearing your throat, you sat back, hands back on the still warm cup as you shot Yoongi an embarrassing smile. He instantly whined when he was on the ground, you half laying on top of him. Caterpillars, worms and such things and it seemed like Hedgie did it again. Empty. You told me that waiting for me is worth it, that all those things make our relationship to how it is. But the moment his broken voice called out to you, you snapped back to reality and held him in your arms. When you got home, Jungkook would greet you like always, ate dinner and just talked about eachothers day. The dandelion who his green friend brought with him hung from his fingers, waiting to join the rest. I am afraid she wants to stay and doesnt want to go back there he said it. They flew through the room while muttering under your breath, words he couldnt clearly hear and maybe did not want to hear I-is everything al-alright? Browse; Paid Stories . Hey babe he greeted you with a peck on the lips. I was loss for words and to make it up to you and to make you feel like youre home I bought the ingredients from your favourite dish. So now you were sitting on the cold steps, bum freezing off while crying your heart out. Before you could answer he ran to the kitched anc came back with a wet towel and began to wipe, trying to get the most out of it. You knew him well enough not to ask to many questions in this situation. He was happy you laughed again but it was also some kind of punishment for yelling at him. Plucking away the pen between your lips he sat down next to you and pulled you closer to his side, his arm draping over your shoulder before his angelic voice filled the room. Your legs slipped from the wooden material now dangling infront of the heater, making room for him to join you. Why do people do that? You were a pridefull woman. Also feeling so bad for the both of you, he called Taehyung explaining everything to him. Jimin sighed sadly. Once people lay their eyes on you, they cant look away. Trying to apologize again earlier,he had turned his back to you. But as a familair sweet voice called out your name, you snapped your head towards the sound and what you saw had you standing next to the desk in a flash, walking towards the figure standing in the doorway. BUT.. please no more otherwise I wont have any shirts left.. He only did that when he was flustered or shy so that means. The others just stared at you, confused what was going on. or did he finally get tired of your lazy ass. this time he laughed, punching your arm quite hard. It isnt how bright you shine or how big you are. Have a blessed day and night! Its okay. Satisfied with the outcome you pulled back but he pushed you back asking you to continue with the nuzzle. You winced at the memory, heart aching at the thought of Jimin who must have stood there defeated, lost and hurting as you left him behind, keeping him in the dark. He had asked you if it could be the two of you only, not wanting to weep infront of your boyfriend since he wanted to appear strong infront of him, he always had a tiny little crush on Taehyung. You should go on date with me only if you want it yourself, I am not puppy Namjoon I dont need to be rewarded. you had told him. Hoseok: Jin: You plant a quick good-morning kiss onto your boyfriends cheek before he walks downstairs to prepare your breakfast. Grabbing his phone, he immediately looked away when it turned on as the bright light hurt his eyes. When he felt your head falling on his shoulder he stopped, picked you up and carried you to bed, laying you gentle down on the soft material before cleaning up the mess on the floor. Can I? you asked cheerfully back, your hand already reaching for them. Where is my Hoseok? he asked looking around. Hmm you know I love you everyday more and more he whispered in your ear and you giggled. A/N: Gosh that sounds so cute though hahaha. Jin/Kim Seokjin. Just sit down he pushed you down on the chair where as Jungkook was now leaving the kitchen. He just stared at you when you had sat him down and voiced how you felt. I mean I personally would it find a bit creepy if someone only smiles and laughs, not showing any other human emotion. you chuckled, caressing his neck while you talked. He could feel you staring, following his every move. Your mind and heart happy, your body as relaxed as it could be. He stared at the dent in the door he had kicked in anger after losing the game against Seokjin. Better He replied smiling, shifting his weight, his lips touching yours. Youve been acting weird since the morning Jimin. you eyed him suspiciously. You were totally a failure, you were a coward. I love you y/n., Originally posted by jungkookfortunekookies. What was so urgent for me to rush here? You asked him when you stepped in the practice room. So please if you ever think youre not good enough, please talk to me. He felt stupid, he wanted to punch himself in the face for making you feel like this. Im just saying sweets that a couple of bad grades wont be the end of the world. Anyways I cried when I couldnt get the dance right. But I guess we can use it for our furure son, so its okay. Do you remember what you said to me? he giggled at the memory and continued not waiting for your answer.When was it? Mafia BTS meeting you for the first time on the job. If it makes you cry. Mafia BTS reaction to their s/o having a strong . Anyways I am rambling on. Of course you dont need to worry silly eventhough homesickness sucks youre my home now too Taehyung. Nothing is working.. so if anyones knows I would be forever grateful! I love you so much that I even cry when I think about you. Go away!. I could only think of you leaving me and began to cry. Sad is just the main word, wrapped in all different kinds of sad. You were watching Seokjin on the little screen that hung on the wall in the dressing room. Setting the food on the tray he carried himself to the room and sat down the plate on the paper you were working on. Once he noticed he wasnthidden anymore, he looked up. His shaky voice. Youre kind but can discipline people too if they have done wrong even if its the president you wouldnt care. From taking his favourite drink from the fridge to sitting down against the door of his room but he just walked over you, sat down on the couch and talked to the other members. I am the one who should make you laugh. I already have hurt you and that wasnt my intention. Wha? To say you were surprised was an understatement. You bitch. Aah I should just wait till my sweet baby will come home. Why wouldnt it be? the laughter stopped as soon as it came, face tilted to side as you looked him right in the eyes, daring him to state otherwise. Jin you panicked. Y/n? This time Jimin whined your name not finding this funny. He had found the hedgehog in the garden, his tiny feet bleeding as it seemed it got cut open and took him in. Uuh hello? He felt you stiffen at first but not even two seconds after that you body shook, quiet hiccups entering the open space. Just shut up. BTS protecting and supporting taehyung | BTS REACTION#bts #reaction # #jungkook #jimin #taehyung #jin #jhope #rm #suga #btsarmy #busan THIS CHANNEL. You had fallen asleep. With a loud groan you threw the book against the wall as you dropped your head on the desk, tears filling your eyes. Im so sorry Yoongi! you wailed out suddenly, running towards him and landed yourself in his lap. Arms pressed your knees together against your chest as you openly cried with the back of your head against the tiles,thinking the sound of the water would drown out your sobs. This man was crazy. What if you lay somewhere in a ditch, gripping your leg while screaming in pain but no one heard you? Stay healthy okay? He hummed, smiling down at you. Jungkook please whats going on? His hands flew to your cheeks as his eyes locked with your eyes. Otherwise I will keep going and going and going untill you remember. rubbing the soft skin of his cheeks, you smiled lightly, his diamond like orbs meeting yours. sweets? BTS reaction 3: Them reacting to your cute / strange sleeping habits Honestly, I was feeling a little weird today, so I consciously decided to write and post something warm, fluffy, light and kind of uplifting. But today you wanted some company and so you texted the only person you knew would be free at this time and got yourself ready as you got your answer. Youre making me even nervous Jimin said holding his shoulders in order to stop him from walking around the room. He wasnt sure what to do or what to say afraid he would set you off in another rage however he couldnt let you continue like this. He went out to look for you.. Yup, you regretted it immediately when those words slipped from your lips. You did not regret telling him this, you wanted him to know, you needed him to help you get out of this rut. His hands slid against your waist and ended up on your back. Also smashing things will help aswell but you didnt hear that from me. Havent anyting to say to me? he went on, his fingers grasping your wrist making you shiver. He felt you struggling at first, trying to get out of his grip but he held you so strong there was no way you were getting out of his protective arms. A sudden wave of water splashed over you, making you shriek in shock but really not caring aswell since you were already drenched to the bone just when you wanted to shake some of the water of your skin, warm fingers clasped around your wrist, and you were hoping that this time your mind wouldnt be so cruel as your eyes met the soft features you longed to see. its okay., I hope this is something you had in mind. Was it for you babe? he turned to you, his tone loud and cleared at the last part. I have scars and bruises all over my body to prove it lmao. Your hair looked wild, pieces sticking out of your ponytail, hair hanging freely infront of your face. You were someone who enjoyed the little things so even if he just said hello in your native language you would be overjoyed because Jungkook learned it just for you. Jimin! you called out his name, standing back up while looking around, weirdly you were unable to detect those familiar features eventhough your kept hearing your name. Im sorry. He looked up at you as you peeked down at him. Much better than this shit right here. two hours had gone by, and the words you had scribbled on was just rubbish. Taehyung. "But I can't stop you, you're too stubborn.". he couldnt help but cry when you told him. Stop it, geez! Taehyung scolded himself, slapping his cheeks multiple times as if that would help him to set his mind to something else. You would apologize in the morning, now to tired to talk as sleep came quickly now the air had been cleared. Yoongi: You really did not want to. He could stare hours at his frog who he had adopted from the street. Being jealous is not wrong baby. Seokjin look at me. you whispered, lifting your head to look at him. He was totally jealous! you stole my drink honey. Raising an eyebrow in confusion you made your way over to him and pushed the rack aside and saw him staring at his shoes, nervously fumbling with the hem of his shirt. He answered you that he was standing in the corner behind the rack of clothes. I love you. I dont want to imagine my life without you. he tried to surpess a smile but he couldnt help to feel immense happy with you beside him. Were still young y/n but sometimes I think that you already lived a lot of lives because youre so wise and mature. As he arrived, he saw Hoseok looking at the little feedbox which he sat down for Hegdie so he could eat and drink while healing. I always have been struggling to stay in the safe zone. Now I have to punish you!. I would totally laugh out of cuteness. A chuckle slipped from his lips, as his eyes looked deepy into yours. I am sure as heck I am going to eat this soon. you winked at him while laughing. Im not really known with the measurement inches so I wouldnt really know how tall you are but I assume youre not that tall if you say so :p. Anyways I hope this is something you had in mind and enjoy reading. Throwing his jacket behind him and almost kissing the floor while trying to take his shoes off in a hurry. Feeling ashamed about what you told Hoseok, you hid yourself in the bedroom, locked the door and sat down, your back against it. BTS reaction when their pregnant gf suddenly feels pain in the middle of their argument. Normally he would already be greeted with your lips against his cheek. It was kind of hot though. Do you understand? he nodded his head, his face no longer hiding in your sweater, now laying on your shoulder as he drew little circles on your neck. Looking down at your features when your fingers stopped making circles motion he smiled at you. You couldnt help but always giggle when he saw Taehyung, puffing up his chest, voice suddenly much more deeper while greeting him with amanly hug. Im sorry! Taehyung squeeked out, eyes shut closed. No y/n youre not getting them back until youre calmed down. he was serious, his voice low and sharp. I love you he spoke and leaned in to place his lips on yours. I just want you to know that you dont have to deal with your insecurities alone y/n. It wouldnt feel special if you get in thrown into your hands. I know how it is to be clumsy. I practiced and practiced to the point that my legs gave away. . you just know how to comfort me. His silent sobs instantly stopped when he felt the bed dip down under your weight. Originally posted by bambamisaboomyinmypants. How How can you say things like that y/n? he cried, his face buried in your neck. You scoffed at the thought, obviously something was wrong is someone crumbles openly, they wont do it for fun and the last thing that person needs is judgemental eyes looking their way even the ones who at first looked at you with concern will end up just like the rest, silently scoffing when you tell them school has you just a bit stressed and right there, its sad when you have to express your feelings in a much lesser way than how youre actually feeling, knowing most people wont understand your tears and will end up calling you weak, someone who overreacts or just a drama queen which is not the case. - Seeing Their Crush After Having A Smut Dream Ab Them. Last week or two weeks ago? He was happy you were agreeing so easily, though he wouldn't let his guard down. You were tired but relieved, the crying you had done earlier felt somehow comforting, you could weep how loud you wanted, the libraby abandoned by everyone at night except you, giving you the chance to break down in peace without someone judging you or asking if something was wrong. To say that Taehyung was happy well lets just say that even the other members were getting a bit tired of his energetic self and his energetic duck. Oh Im rambling on. Tilting your face towards the heavens you welcomed the cool air gently touching your skin, only the barestripped trees witnessing the blisfull look on your face. I feel so alive again. His gaze to strong. His mouth was on yours, kissing you fast and hard. Dont be afraid to ask for help okay. He laced his fingers with yours and sat down next to you, grabbing the inked filled paper, he read it carefully over, humming here and then. you had turned around, your hand gripping the one holding on to you as you snatched it off you. He was simply protecting you. He was totally jealous, he just didnt want to admit it. since you didnt even explain it to me as you just ran off he continued but couldnt help but chuckle at the sight of you sprinting from the couch, nearly tripping on your way to the room. He will feel proud everytime he fixes something you broke. But I really appreciate all this it shows me even more that the decision coming here was definetely the right one. making him shy. Hence the colour. he laughed, giving you another big bite of his meal, kindly sharing his food with you. He had gone on a work related trip on the other side of the earth. BTS reaction to you having a cold and they have to take care of you. I have an essay due soon and I didnt even start. you responded, feeling bad. The dark blue sky shared his space At least my baby knows whats best for her Jungkook smiled, leaning down to peck your lips, arm secure around your shoulder. can you do a reaction to bts 's S/O pining them to a wall or bed please. (Whose going to believe that a freaking bunny stole their childs stuffed animal). It was like you had closed off your emotions, locked in a safe, hidden away in the dark and at the end of the week he snapped, asking you, no demanding you to spit it out. Please dont leave me hanging in the dark. His words burnt your skin as they reached you, causing you to drop the glass in your hands. Where is she? Jimin asked himself, scratching his head in confusion. Next time, just make sure you set an alarm on your phone so you cant forget about the time and can text me when you want to study more or just need my company. Thank you for the free drink. Originally posted by bangtan-got7-boys. He had to be careful around you because you had the habit to drag him down with you and he kept sharp things out of you reach since you always, always cut yourself eventhough you knew it was sharp. Oh how wrong you were, the break only got you more stressed, the thought of failing not leaving your mind had you back at the table in 5 minutes, it seemed like it just wasnt your day. Gosh do you know how painful that is? You told him that he didnt want to be with you anymore, you told him small you felt beside him figurally and when you told him you were certain, he didnt love you anymore the way he did at first felt like a stab in his heart. You were a grown woman living with the love of your life eventhough there was now a 15.000 miles distance between your family you should not cry. A/N: Gosh that sounds so cute though hahaha. Everyone nodded their heads. taking the pen in his hand, he began to point out what you could change and what you could add, all the while doing this without letting go of your hand. Yoongi would definitely be worried when you did not response to any of his words. Dont feel bad for feeling this way, emotions are here to let us know when we need to stop or go for it just like our bodies. Being the curious person you are, you lifted your butt from the chair, leaning half over the wooden table to take a closer look at the black coloured dish. you began to admire its beauty, its personality. I mean youre not some type of ghost who can walk through doors.. Taehyung? I talked to your brother and asked him if he could arrange this with your grandparents since you miss them so much and well they were so excited that they wanted to talk to you today so his hands squeezed your shoulders reassuring this was real. It wasnt everyday you saw those cute little animals. I couldnt help the words that left his mouth like a speed train had him breathing fast, his voice cracking as he stuttered with eyes looking like they saw something they shouldnt have seen. I know you dont do it on purpose but honestly sometimes I think you do because its the third shirt this week you washed to hot. Here you can find my Masterlist if you feel like checking out more of my BTS fiction! I love you. BTS react to you approaching them and asking them out on a date. Lifting it closer to your face, the caller read Jimin. Min Yoongi and this dumbass is hopelessly in love with you. You knew what he was talking about and you also knew youve been in the wrong but you didnt want to burden him with your stupid insecurities because he had enough on his plate already and adding yours wouldnt do any good but you had it all wrong. You ran towards Taehyung jumping when you were close, arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. I am with you arent I? Its just.. incredible. Take today for example. You felt horrible, you felt tired and overall you felt like you didnt know what you were doing anymore. But if you finally come home and you wrap your arms around me those feelings drift away and a warm feeling travels through my body. Sighing you laid down on your side. Of course this is all fiction so please dont be mad at me hahaha. You can do this y/n. Because of all the commotion, the other boys came out of their rooms, looking worried, asking what was going on. at least thats what you went for but Yoongi didnt even look your way, dissapearing in his room with a slam of the door. Closing the door behind you, you walked over to Taehyung who was playing some games on his phone and asked him where Jin was. Also already kind of used to it, he doesnt give it as much as attention, knowing already you always shrug it off and continue with what you were doing. The pure scent of the night seemed to do Taehyung good as he already had calmed down abit. Hoseok also noticed the scratches on your arms and neck a big fat sign telling him you were stressed out maybe the state the room was in and the way you behaved was evidence enough but he learned early in the relationship you tend to scratch yourself hard, that sometimes the redness and streaks stayed on your skin for days aswell as having to put on cream to lighten the burn. Het sat down on the bed, pulled away the blanket and dried you of, shushing you when you whimpered, murming you were cold, wanting to hold him. Misunderstandings happen. His familiar and calm scent, his warm temperature cradled your mind and scared away the demons. That you couldnt handle his lifestyle anymore and so the waterworks came. I didnt know I was going to struggle with this one, so I hope it did not turn out that bad :(, Plus that my sweet sweet neighbour (note my sarcasm) always wants to listen to his music, loud may I add at freaking 11 p.m. cause obviously thats what everyone does. Time proved that you just needed yourself to be successful. Smiling up at you, he crawled his way up and kissed you on the lips. No, no, no. "Wait! Great! He isnt your boyfriend the last time I checked. Dont cry. On the day those words spilled from your hands, wasnt good enough the following morning, watching how it became a blank canvas once again as the words quickly but slowly for you vanished from the screen. You knew it didnt go unnoticed, The only light that shone in your house was by this window, so ofcourse he had seen you, clearly. Why do you always have to hang out with him. Waving him bye you entered their dorm and now you were waiting for Namjoon to get ready.. 30 minutes ago. Gosh y/n! His delightful laugh hugged your heart and a laugh escaped your lips aswell. Yeah, why wouldnt it be? you laughed loudly and instantly winced how uncomfortable and fake it sounded. You have us too y/n. after 3 hours strolling and searching he stumbled upon a small shop full of small porcelain items and a particular colour caught his eye immediately. Now stand up because y/n will be here any minute now. They all stood up. Sighing, your eyes drifted back to the screen infront of you. Dipping down once again, you rubbed your nose against his, laughing as he chuckled too. Why do you always have to take me with you?! Im not only there for you in the sunny days.

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