create shares for objects, and accept sharing invitations. Depending on the context, you may wish to assign a higher qualityOfService and handle these situations yourself. Generally speaking, youll be working with an NSManagedObject from your view. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! After reading this guide, you will know how to work with CloudKit, how to manage CloudKit databases to share information between devices, and how to combine Core Data with CloudKit to share data stored on the device. Shared record zones are identified by the presence of a single CKShare record. Within a CKDatabase are CKRecordZones, and within zones CKRecords. I left off the scaffolding for creating the sample data, but the test crafts a mixed set of managed objects that it identifies as shared or not shared by the presence of their objectID in this set. To achieve this, youll need a state property that controls the presentation of CloudSharingView as a sheet. to show that the post is part of a share. Here I've chosen four friends to share the photo with. Sets the title of the share, using the caption of the. Search for jobs related to Cloudkit share data between users or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 21m+ jobs. It checks databaseScope and determines whether its private or shared. At the top right is the edit button, which presents a modal to edit your destinations caption and description. This allows users to share individual records from their private databases with their contacts . wherever you need to customize your user interfaces. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. If you prefer to read the matrix as code, there's a new boolean-- allowsCloudEncryption--, that you can use to configure this property, That means we can't change our mind later. Next, I'll tap Mail and invite Jermaine and Mary. I had to build new user interface elements, to display information about the participants, All of this work required accessing some metadata. NSPersistentCloudKitContainer manages these zones and automatically assigns records to them. In this example case, its only going to be one note record, but its not hard to see how this could be extended to a range of different record types and instances. Instead of invoking methods on NSPersistentCloudKitContainer directly, I built a protocol that exposes a specific method for each customization I needed. You can think of the name as the primary key of the record in a simple database sense (names must be unique, for example). Log in to your iCloud account on a real device. These options are accessed and modified by tapping the Share Options item at the bottom of the cloud sharing controller view. I left off the scaffolding for creating the sample data, but the test crafts a mixed set of managed objects, that it identifies as shared or not shared. [music]. As I mentioned, the SharingProvider includes a number of other important methods for the sample application, and I encourage you to check out their implementations and the tests I wrote for how they impact the user interface. This is your Destination entity in Core Data. Our example use case is a simple note application with just a single note, for illustration purposes. Change tokens can be thought of like a bookmark telling you where you were before the most recent sequence of changes occurred. Synchronizing a Local Store to the Cloud. [/spoiler]. Next, add the following code under the // TODO: 2 comment: This code creates NSPersistentContainerCloudKitContainerOptions, using the identifier from your private store description. if the provided objectID is in sharedObjectIDs. I am not going to get very fancy in my example; I am using the modified field to declare that the most recent update wins. The first is the notion of a set of actors. Syncing a Core Data Store with the Cloud. and a shared zone that they own in their .private database. The CKShare object may also be configured with title and icon information to be included in the share link message. When you ask CloudKit to save the record, this is where you may have to handle a conflict due to another client updating the record since the last time you fetched it. For example, if you want to extend this app to handle multiple Notes rather than just one, you could do so more readily (and with higher resulting performance) than if youd just used Apples convenience APIs. CloudKit operations provide superior control over the details of how CloudKit does its work and, perhaps more importantly, really force the developer to think carefully about network behaviors central to everything CloudKit does. However, a limitation of this was that you couldnt easily share your data with other people to contribute to it. So be sure to use NSPersistentCloudKitContainer's initializeSchema method to ensure that all your fields are present and correctly typed before deploying your schema to production. For example, I might need to know whether or not an object is shared. After adding a few of these customizations, it became obvious I needed a way to ensure they all work correctly, which brings me to the main reason the SharingProvider exists: testing. For example, the zone that NSPersistentCloudKitContainer manages. For each participant, NSPersistentCloudKitContainer manages objects in two CloudKit databases, the .private and the .shared database. Not the answer you're looking for? Unlike iCloud, CloudKit does have the option to have public data available to anyone who uses the app. Next, we'll take a deep dive into the mechanics of sharing. Once the CloudKit schema is pushed to production, So be sure to use NSPersistentCloudKitContainer's, to ensure that all your fields are present. Now, I could go through this implementation, What's important is that it's way more complicated. Every app automatically gets a default CKContainer, and a group of apps can share a custom CKContainer if permission settings allow. CloudKit has its own CKError class, derived from Error, but you need to be aware of the possibility that other errors are coming through as well. Both the CKShare and associated CKRecord object are then saved to the private database. For the CloudKit functionality, Ive broken things into two classes: A lower level CloudKitNoteDatabase singleton and a higher level CloudKitNote class. Please note all the code has explanatory comments at the key points. It has a wide variety of actions I can take. For iOS and macOS, Apple provides a robust toolkit, called CloudKit API, which allows developers targeting Apple platforms to solve this synchronization problem. What's the difference between a power rail and a signal line? here, the shared store for my application. That method works for documents saved to the current iCloud account. that controls who can access these zones that I own. Now, youll resolve this error. Xcode prefixes the container name with iCloud. into instances of CKRecord that are stored in CloudKit. Select Private Database. Heres Apples sample project on Synchronizing a Local Store to the Cloud. Page - Sharing data between User Controls without access to the Page class - Accessing data between user controls WPF - Passing data between user controls in wpf - Pass data between parent child user controls . Well, let me show you. This is the default database that data gets written to. But let's take a look at how NSPersistentCloudKitContainer uses Record Zone Sharing to share managed objects. In many cases, it can infer where records belong based on the relationship they have to other objects. Sync user data between multiple apps from the same developer. Once youve completed these steps, the data in your app then automagically sync with iCloud. Before CloudKit, inconsistent behavior and weak debugging tools made it almost impossible to deliver a top quality product using the first generation iCloud APIs. However, to allow other users to interact with this data, you need to update your NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. Within each CKContainer are multiple instances of CKDatabase. Sign in to your Apple ID. Launching the CI/CD and R Collectives and community editing features for How to share Core Data between multiple users? See that data now exists at the bottom in the Participants section. Saving records is, perhaps, the most complicated operation. that constrain how they can act on a particular set of objects. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. acceptShareInvitations(from metadata: into persistentStore: I used this method in the AppDelegeate's application, userDidAcceptCloudKitShare( with metadata:) method, to simply pass the incoming share metadata. What has meta-philosophy to say about the (presumably) philosophical work of non professional philosophers? Once youre in this section, you need to specify the container you want to see. You could solve this by creating a CKRecord that contains a CKAsset which is the file that you want to share. manages objects in two CloudKit databases. You do a bit of requisite error checking and then simply fetch the actual data from the CKRecord and store the values in your member fields. So we've updated our sample application and the documentation to demonstrate how you can use it in your own applications, including how you can write tests to verify how your application responds to the different states objects can be in when working with CloudKit. I can see my new album with the photo I shared. At the top level is CKContainer, which encapsulates a set of related CloudKit data. In my brief demo, I showed an application that makes use of two CloudKit databases, the .private and the .shared database. This takes you to a screen to add a recent destination you visited. Each of these is mirrored to a persistent store. It might make more sense for CKAsset, but for now Apple hasn't added the capability. Under the Schema section, select Indexes. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? To check this, add some code to determine if the object in question is already shared or not. Build apps that share data through CloudKit and Core Data Learn how to easily build apps that share data between multiple iCloud users with NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. to write all of these tests and structure the application. Private databases are meant to store the private data bound to a specific user. It rejects specific requests with enough error context in the response to allow each client to make a local, enlightened decision about how to resolve the conflict. But you can also tell share(_ managedObjects: to share: completion:) to store objects in a specific shared zone by passing it a non-nil CKShare. For this example, youll use CKAsset to store the note text. For more information, check Apples video on Build apps that share data through CloudKit and Core Data. Heather, Jermaine, Percy, and Mary are all test accounts. At this point, if you shared the invitation via text message, open Messages and tap the invitation. Im going to take a fairly deep technical dive into the CloudKit API to explore ways you can leverage this technology to make awesome multi-device apps. Under isShared(object:), add the following methods: These methods return a Boolean based on the objects permissions. Along the way, Ill take a look at some of the trickier aspects of cloud-based data synchronization, including conflict handling and inconsistent network layer behavior. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. To delete the destination, swipe left to reveal the delete button. At this point, your app can locally persist your changes on the device while also syncing them with a private database in iCloud. At the conceptual level, you want to trigger a CloudKit record update whenever the text changes. Can users edit their own private data in CloudKit. Apple added sharing to CloudKit. Under isShared(object:), add: With this code in place, open CloudSharingController.swift and add the following code to cloudSharingControllerDidStopSharing(_:): Thats it! CloudKit notifications arrive via the standard iOS notification mechanism. Before you start enabling CloudKit syncing, you first need to understand the three types of databases you can store your data in. The first step is to implement the UIKit scene delegate method windowScene(_:userDidAcceptCloudKitShareWith:). [/spoiler]. The SharingProvider has methods for binding. Theres also a share action that does nothing now. Rather than relying on individual notifications to give you detailed knowledge of what change an individual notification represents, you use a notification to simply indicate that something has changed, and then you can ask CloudKit whats changed since the last time you asked. Updating NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to Prepare for Share, Displaying Private Data Versus Shared Data. This second step may be repeated in the case of a conflict. Using a single managed object context, my application can access data in both stores. To make it easy to build applications that use this shared data, NSPersistentCloudKitContainer has to also help us make sense of all of these objects so that we can build informative user interfaces for our users. To demonstrate how sharing works with NSPersistentCloudKitContainer, I'm going to be using our sample application, Syncing a Core Data Store with the Cloud. Learn iOS, Swift, Android, Kotlin, Flutter and Dart development and unlock our massive a class written specifically for testing, which allows me to trivially inject custom logic. Now that you have the method to perform the share, you need to present the CloudSharingView when you tap the Share button. For starters, a few custom errors can be defined to shield the client from the internals of CloudKit, and a simple delegate protocol can inform the client of remote updates to the underlying Note data. Youll need to ensure that you have set a unique bundle identifier at this point. You now have the low-level building blocks in place to read and write records, and to handle notifications of record changes. CloudKit sharing is made possible primarily by the CKShare class. into the sharingProvider the MainViewController uses. Streaming is available in most browsers, and in the WWDC app. to display more information in my user interface. I'm going to be using our sample application. Then, I set its CloudKit container options databaseScope property to .shared. A record? And finally, we'll briefly discuss how NSPersistentCloudKitContainer can help you enable some additional protection for sensitive data stored in iCloud. before they are uploaded to the CloudKit server. If it doesnt have an associated share record, theres no need to continue. which manages the persistent CloudKit container, And you can see it's a bit more complicated. In this article, Ill demonstrate how to use CloudKit to keep a users data in sync between multiple clients. Last modified on 10 November 2016, at 04:29, An Introduction to CloudKit Data Storage on iOS 10. Owners create and share objects with a set of participants. I've already saved Heather and Mary in my address book, so they're easy to find. In Core Data, we think of our objects in terms of NSManagedObject. This snippet of code is part of a test case I wrote, to ensure that its table cells correctly indicate. After you have logged into the console, open CloudKit Database. we have built in to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. to combine the .private and .shared databases. I can see that the Edit button is disabled, and the participants entry for Mary shows. New in iOS 15 is acceptShareInvitations(from:into:completion:). An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. But in my application, I took a slightly different approach. Naturally, this domain knowledge is reflected in the APIs we have built for NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. Can I use this tire + rim combination : CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 5000 (28mm) + GT540 (24mm). If necessary, you then pass the updated server record to CloudKit to write the new record. Due to network latency, airplane mode, and such, CloudKit will internally handle retries and such for operations at a qualityOfService of utility or lower. On Mary's device, I'll accept the new share, and now I can see the new post. The simple act of writing a record to the database is straightforward enough, but in my example, with multiple clients, this is where youll face the potential issue of handling a conflict when multiple clients attempt to write to the server concurrently. Every app automatically gets a default CKContainer, and a group of apps can share a custom CKContainer if permission settings allow. Loading a note is very straightforward. fetchShares(matching objectIDs:) is new in iOS 15. and allows me to get the CKShare for a specific post. This framework ( was released before CloudKit and supports an easy way of sharing: You get a URL that you can send to another user and he can directly download what you shared with him. CloudSharingView conforms to the protocol UIViewControllerRepresentable and wraps the UIKit UICloudSharingController so you can use it in SwiftUI. Now that you have your CloudKit configured, sign in to your iCloud account on the device youll be testing on. So let's look at how I've changed my application to communicate these states and privileges. When the app comes up, youll notice the shared journal entry doesnt show up. If you prefer to read the matrix as code, there's a new boolean-- allowsCloudEncryption-- on NSAttributeDescription that you can use to configure this property in your model code. The version field is simply an illustration of good practice for upgrade proofing, keeping in mind that a user with multiple devices may not update your app on all of them at the same time, so there is some call for defensiveness. the main reason the SharingProvider exists: testing. Fetching a record by name is very straightforward. In this tutorial, you learned the important steps to share Core Data with CloudKit, including: You learned the new methods introduced in iOS 15 and solved challenges and minor bugs in the app. These silent pushes happen entirely without user visibility or interaction, and as a result, dont require the user to enable push notification for your app, saving you many potential user-experience headaches as an app developer. A user of an app could, for example, make one or more records accessible to other users so that they can view and, optionally, modify the record. Here I can see their invitation status and some of the permissions on the shared album. It is also possible to serialize CKRecords directly to and from local storage. Over 300 content creators. Heather, Jermaine, Percy, and Mary are all test accounts I regularly work with when I'm building sharing features. Learn SwiftUI and take your iOS Development to the Next LevelSwiftUI Essentials iOS 16 Edition book is now available in Print ($39.99) and eBook ($29.99) editions. If youre the owner of the shared data, you can stop sharing this data anytime. After adding a few of these customizations. In this article, Toptal Software Engineer Paul Young demonstrate how to use CloudKit to keep a users data in sync between multipleclients. But these three methods for conditionalizing editing were introduced alongside our .public database support at WWDC in 2020. CloudKit is built on top of Apples iCloud service. a number of API methods to align with each of these concerns. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. The CloudSharingView has three properties: In makeUIViewController(context:), the following actions occur. Last, open HomeView.swift and look for the swipeActions modifier. At the moment, when you launch the app, entries in your journal all look the same. CloudKit sharing involves the creation of CKShare objects initialized with the record to be shared. If its not shared, create the share from the destination object. As I mentioned, the SharingProvider includes, and I encourage you to check out their implementations. Third, create an iCloud container that hosts your data in iCloud. In addition to sending a share link, the app must also be adapted to accept a share and fetch the record for the shared cloud database. If I tap on it, I can see that the Edit button is disabled and the participants entry for Jermaine shows that he is a Read-Only participant on the share. you're probably familiar with hierarchical sharing, NSPersistentCloudKitContainer uses a new feature in CloudKit, called Record Zone Sharing, covered in more detail, But let's take a look at how NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. to add specific logic to my application code. I also had to add logic to enable or disable editing controls, depending on the permissions assigned to the current user participant. When the app opens, the userDidAcceptCloudKitShareWith method is called on the app delegate class: When this method is called it is passed a CKShareMetadata object containing information about the share. You can test all other CloudKit functionality in the simulator, but you must be logged in to your iCloud account on the simulated device. I'll give it a simple title-- "Sharing demos are great"-- and tap Done. Download the starter project by clicking the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of this tutorial. Look for the ToolBarItem that contains the Text("Edit") button. It has a wide variety of actions I can take, including a number of ways to share. How might I do that? 2 Reviews. Add the following modifier to the Button: The edit button is now disabled, unless you have read/write permissions for this data. From this screen, you can take a few actions. It's been my pleasure to introduce just some of the changes we've made to NSPersistentCloudKitContainer to support sharing. if I change this line of code to use an existing share, NSPersistentCloudKitContainer will attempt to assign. On Mary's device, I'll open Mail and tap the link inside the email I sent, which opens up my application. Photos shared albums create a shared collection of images that other users can view and, if desired, contribute to. Our users need all of that information so that they can make good decisions about the objects they choose to share. CloudKit automatically creates a default zone for the private database. I set the BlockBasedProvider as the provider. But our applications are usually designed to manage large collections of data. Within this handler, the CKShare object must be created and saved as outlined in the previous section. If it is, then this object is already shared. We call them the owner and the participants. So that's how we use NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. in a way that facilitates this type of injection. Youll use the default share when you present the CloudSharingView. This seems to be a good tool for that: Thus, your AppDelegate should call application.registerForRemoteNotifications in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions and implement didReceiveRemoteNotification. In this example, theres just the one record, but for future expandability, this is a great potential performance benefit. and how to operate on records and objects. Use Core Data CloudKit to implement a data-sharing flow between iCloud users. For our purposes, a single view application containing a UITextView with the ViewController as its delegate will suffice. Customizations like this necessarily require. More importantly, you have a foundation for adding more advanced CloudKit functionality. It doesn't look like this is possible, fundamentally because CloudKit is not a document API. For example purposes, I included a basic sanity check to make sure I am updating the correct record, and then update the fields and notify the delegate that we have new data. This view contains the logic for your share button. CloudKit app require a few items to be enabled on the Capabilities Pane of the Xcode Target: iCloud (naturally), including the CloudKit checkbox, Push Notifications, and Background Modes (specifically, remote notifications). that is allowed to operate on those objects in some way. I get a Error Fetching Record error, even if I copy and paste it in. When the dialog asks whether you would like to open the invitation, choose Open. Customizations like this necessarily require more complicated code than if I chose not to support sharing. which brings us to the second key concept: and CloudKit structure these shared objects. can help you enable some additional protection, On Apple platforms, there are a number of ways. Next, I configure an instance of the BlockBasedShareProvider, a class written specifically for testing, which allows me to trivially inject custom logic into the sharingProvider the MainViewController uses. Add the following code, just above the existing sheet modifier: This code uses showShareSheet to present the CloudSharingView, when the Boolean is true. If you attempt to select record type as CD_Destination and query records from here, you receive an error stating Field recordName isnt marked queryable. Did you figure it out? From the home screen, open Settings. Note also, I am using a CKQuerySubscription with a very simple always true predicate to watch for changes on the one (and only) Note record. See the solution below: [spoiler title=Solution 1] It is capable of handling large file transfers seamlessly. than the simple injection I used in the test. When the user taps the link that was shared earlier and accepts the invitation, the delegate calls this method and launches the app. We call them the owner and the participants. With this code in place, build and run on your second device. But ideally, we would have a single place directly in the Photos app where my friends and I can share our photos with each other. Let's get started with sharing. Then, select the CloudKit checkbox to enable the feature. Please enable JavaScript to enjoy the best experience. 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. This is a cute trick in Swift that allows me to simply check if the provided objectID is in sharedObjectIDs. Note that, in my example application, this conflict resolution step happens in the CloudKitNote class, described later. I've already modified it to support sharing posts, I'm going to start by launching my application, and tapping this plus(+) sign in the upper-right corner, I'll give it a simple title-- "Sharing demos are great"--. What is the easiest way to share files between users with CloudKit? However, you can get more functionality if you use a custom zone, most notably, support for fetching incremental record changes. In theory, you needed only three steps. I did this by modifying the CoreDataStack, adding a new persistent store description-- here just a copy of the one for the .private store with a different URL. Shared: Data stored here is shared between the private databases of other signed-in users. and operate on the objects I share with them. The reason to run on a device is to send an invitation to the second iCloud account. Since CloudKit is deeply tied to Apples operating systems and devices, its not suitable for applications that require a broader range of device support, such as Android or Windows clients. To edit or update the caption or description, tap the destination cell to see the detail screen. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. To understand these challenges a bit more clearly, we need to identify two crucial concepts for sharing. Differentiating private data and shared data in SwiftUI. Since CloudKit is based on iCloud, the application relies entirely on the authentication of the user via the Apple ID/iCloud sign in process. Continue with Recommended Cookies. We've enabled adoption of encrypted values. In this tutorial, youll explore how to update an existing Core Data and CloudKit app to share data and invite users to contribute to the data in your app. The unique record id name doesn't seem to be enough to find the record. Nspersistentcloudkitcontainer directly, I might need to specify the container you want share. The delegate calls this method and launches the app comes up, youll be testing on iCloud the. Own private data bound to a persistent store CloudKit container options databaseScope to! Directly, I 'll accept the new post post is part of a test case I wrote, display! By creating a CKRecord that contains a CKAsset which is the default database that data gets to. 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