Nothing in sections 30 and 31 shall authorise any person, other than a Judge, to grant a warrant to search for a document in the custody of the Postal or Telegraph authorities or of any Telegraph Company. (name) of(address). In any information or indictment against any person in which evidence of the previous conviction, or acquittal of such person for any offence is relevant to the issue, a certificate containing the substance and effect only (omitting. 2. 23 dated 1st May, 2014 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT RINTING DEPARTMENT, SIERRA LEONE. If the person issued with a summons does not appear at the time and place appointed in and by the summons and his personal attendance has not been dispensed with under section 21 the Court may issue a warrant to arrest him and cause him to be brought before such court. B., on the Western Area of Sierra Leone, fraudulently converted, to his own use..Province Or benefit certain property, that is to say, Le 100 entrusted to him by E.S. Having heard you statement read do you wish to explain or add to it? CUSTOMARY JUSTICE As in many post-colonial countries, Sierra Leone has a dual legal system and this dualism is recognised in the 1965 Courts Act. (2)Where a criminal lunatic is conditionally discharged in pursuance of this Act, a report of his condition shall be made to the Minister by such person, at such times and containing such particulars as may be required by the order of discharge. WHEREAS..(name of criminal lunatic) being charged before the, Court with the offence ofwas this day by special finding found to be, Now these are to authorise you to received the said..into your custody and safely to keep, WHEREAS.(name of accused), being charged before, the..Court atwith the offence, of.was by special finding the said Court to be not guilty of the act or, Now, therefore, I.the Minister responsible for Social Welfare, do hereby order the, be confined in the mental. Being an Act to provide for the establishment and operation of Local Courts, the administration of justice in the provinces and for other related matters. (3)The statement shall not thereby become evidence of any facts alleged therein but the Judge and jury may take it into account in judging the credibility of the witness on his evidence as a whole and the prosecution and defence shall be entitled to refer to it in examining or cross-examining any witness and in addressing the Court. (6) Any power of the Court under this section shall be, in addition to and not in derogation of any other power of the Court for the same or similar purposes. 205. 48 S. 16 states: "An Adoption order shall not have effect to make the adopted person a member of any clan, lineage or other group recognized under customary law and practice; but if the adopter is a person subject to customary law and practice then, as from the date of the adoption order, the adopted person shall be a person subject to . 6. (1) If on any trial for any of the offences mentioned in sections 25, 26, 27 and 28 of the Larceny Act, 1916, the facts proved in evidence authorize the conviction for some other of the said offences and not the offence wherewith the accused or defendant is charged, he may be found guilty of the said other offence and thereupon he shall be punished as if he had been convicted on information or an indictment charging him with such offence, except that no person shall be convicted under this subsection of an offence, the maximum punishment for which is greater than that prescribed for the offence charged. 168. Consequences supervening or not known at time of former trial. (2) If the accused or the defendant, as the case may be, is not before the Court when such, is entered, the Court shall forthwith cause notice in writing of the entry of such. In theCourt at. To..(name and designation of person or persons who is or are to, Whereas..(name of accused) ofAddress stands charged with the, offence of(Statement of offence). The Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff shall, as soon as may be after having received a copy of the indictment and notice of trial, and three days at least before the day specified therein for trial, or within such lesser time as the Court may for good cause order, by himself or other person authorized by him, deliver to the party charged the said copy and notice and explain to him the nature and exigency thereof, and when the said party is not in custody or shall have been admitted to bail and cannot readily be found, he shall leave a copy of the said indictment and notice of trial with some person of his household for him, at his dwelling house and if none such can be found, shall affix the said copy and notice to the outer or principal door of the dwelling house of the party charged: any such case where an indictment is signed and filed without previous investigation and committal for trial, the accused shall be entitled to at least seven days notice as aforementioned; b.nothing herein contained shall prevent any person in custody or awaiting trial at the opening of or during any sessions, from being tried thereat, if he shall have been served with a copy of the indictment and notice of trial not less than three days or seven days, as the case may be, before the date on which he is to be tried; c.such last-mentioned period of three days or seven days may be reduced to a shorter period, if any such person shall express his assent thereto and no special objection be made on the part of the Crown. (1) In any criminal case, and at any stage thereof before verdict or judgement, the Attorney-General may enter a, either by stating in Court or by informing the Court in writing that, the Crown intends that the proceedings shall not continue and thereupon the accused or the defendant as the case may be shall be at once discharged in respect of the charge for which the. "The jurors who are to try you are now about to be sworn; if you object to any of them, you must do so as they come to the book to be sworn, and before they are sworn, and you shall be heard". (2) The following persons shall be charged and tried together, namely. Criminal sessions of the Supreme Court shall be held at such times as may be prescribed by or under Rules of Court, made by the Rules of Court Committee established under section 22 of the Courts Act. 190. Be it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Representatives in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:, 1. Whereas.(name of accused) of(address) has been committed for, trial by the..Court ofstands charged before the on a charge of. 10 2011 Sierra Leone The Local Courts Act, 2011. The Laws of Sierra Leone on the Sierra Leone Web The Local Courts (Amendment) Act, 1965 ASSENTED to in Her Majesty's name this 1st day of October, 1965. (9) Where a previous conviction of an offence is charged in an information or indictment it shall be charged at the end of the information or indictment by means of a statement that the accused has been previously convicted of that offence at a certain time and place without stating the particulars of the offence. 185. Section 4 of the Local Courts Act is hereby amended as follows. 0000014763 00000 n (4)The deposition of each witness shall be read over to the witness and signed by him and attested by the Magistrate in his presence. 118. 154. (1) The constable or an officer of the Court to whom a summons is delivered for service shall serve the same upon the person to whom it is directed by delivering it to him personally or by leaving it with some other person for him at his last or usual place of residence. 144. 32. An offence committed whilst the offender is in the course of performing a journey or voyage may be enquired into or tried in a District through or into which the offender, or the person against whom, or the thing in respect of which, the offence was committed, passed in the course of that journey or voyage. E. M., on the Western Area of Sierra Leone, sold, uttered, and. the offence may enquired into and tried in any one of such Districts. The Court may, in any circumstances in which the Court has power upon summary conviction to issue a warrant of commitment to prison in respect of the non- payment of a fine or penalty, in lieu of issuing such warrant, issue a warrant of detention in a police station, and unless the sum mentioned in the warrant, with the amount of expenses therein authorised (if any), is sooner paid to the constable holding the warrant, the warrant shall authorise any constable to convey the person named therein to any convenient police station and for that purpose to arrest him, and shall authorise the officer in charge of any police station to detain him there till the hour of eight in the morning on the day following that on which he is arrested under the warrant or, if he is so arrested between mid-night and eight in the morning on any day, on that day: Provided that the officer in charge of the police station in which a person is detained under this section may discharge him at any time within two hours before the hour of eight in the morning if the officer thinks it expedient so to do in order to enable him to go to his employment or for any other reason appearing to the officer to be sufficient. On of.. You should be present at the said time and place in order to hear the said statement made *(and to cross-examine the. A. 195. (3) Nothing in this section gives a right to cause the death of any person except when a constable or private person is legally attempting to arrest the person killed, upon a charge or treason, felony or inflicting a dangerous wound and the arrest of such person cannot otherwise be accomplished. It turns out that an overwhelming majority of Sierra Leoneans oppose higher taxes, even though it is widely agreed that public service provision is very poor in the country. Subsection (1) of section 8 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion of the word "Local" immediately after the word "Group" in line three thereof. means of an advertisement inserted by them, the said A. (3)Any document purporting to be an original report under the hand of a person gazetted as an examining officer. (6)Where a corporation is charged with an offence triable on indictment or triable summarily, the corporation may, on arraignment before the Supreme Court or on being asked to plead by the Magistrate, as the case may be, enter in writing by its representative a plea of guilty or not guilty, and if either the corporation does not appear by a representative or, though it does so appear fails to enter any plea, the Court shall order a plea of not guilty to be entered and the trial shall proceed as though the corporation had duly entered a plea of not guilty. 85. 22 of 1961. 0000001151 00000 n Power to search for strangers in Diamond Protection Areas. 92. (3)All criminal trials in which a plea has been taken at the commencement of this Act shall be inquired into and dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Acts hereby repealed. (1) When the accused appears to be of sound mind at the time of the preliminary investigation, the Court, notwithstanding that it is alleged that at the time when the act was committed in respect of which the accused person is charged he was, by reason of unsoundness of mind, incapable of knowing the nature of the act, or that it was wrong or contrary to law, shall proceed with the case, and if the accused ought to be committed for trial, the Court shall so commit him. (4)Where an amendment of an information is made under subsection (1) or where there is a variation between the information and the evidence as described in subsection (3), the Court shall, if it is of opinion that the accused or defendant has been thereby deceived or embarrassed, allow any witness to be recalled and further questioned upon any matters relevant to the amended or varied charge and the Court may adjourn the trial for such period as may be reasonably necessary. Court may direct security to be taken. Defence of lunacy at preliminary investigation. Abstract/Citation: Entitled "The Employers and Employed Ordinance" prior to independence. 0000003688 00000 n No. 125. If a woman convicted of an offence punishable with death be alleged to be pregnant, the Court shall enquire into the fact; and if there be reasonable cause for believing it, the sentence to be passed on her shall be a sentence of imprisonment for life instead of sentence of death. 117. 243. (2) If service in the manner provided in subsection (1) cannot by the exercise of due diligence be effected, the serving constable or person shall affix the same to some conspicuous part of such last or usual place of residence of the person summoned and thereupon the summons shall be deemed to have been duly served. (2) If a person committed for trial in the Supreme Court shall not have been tried by the end of the next criminal. Proof Reading 2nd of December - Renewable Energy Policy of Sierra Leone 6th January, 2015 viii ABBREVIATIONS AfDB African Development Bank AfP Agenda for Prosperity AU African Union BHP Bumbuna Hydro Power CEF Central Energy Fund CFL Compact Fluorescent Lamp CLSG Cte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea (3)If entry into the building, vessel, vehicle, receptacle or place cannot be so obtained, the constable or other person executing the search warrant may, if the warrant empowers him so to do, enter forcibly, or break-open such building, vessel, vehicle, receptacle or other place. Conditions precedent to trial of foreigners for offences committed in territorial sea. to prosecute (or to prosecute and give evidence) in the matter of a charge of And whereas it has been made to appear to me by information upon oath that the said, .was about to go out of Sierra Leone, and he has been arrested under a warrant, Now these are to command you to receive into your custody the said..and safely to, keep him until the trial of the saidand to produce him upon the day of such trial. (3)The length of any term of imprisonment imposed by the sentence of any Court shall be treated as reduced by any period during which the offender was in custody before sentence by reason only of having been committed for trial, or remanded, after arraignment. WHEREAS.(name of prison) a prisoner now in your custody is required to appear before me to. WHEREAS.(name) is lying ill/hurt at(address) and is not likely to recover, and, whereas it appears to me that the saidis able and willing to give material, information relating to the offence of.(statement of offence) alleged to have been committed, Now, therefore, take notice that I propose to take in writing and upon oath or affirmation the statement of the said. Power of dispenses with personal attendance of accused. (2) Where a witness has been, or is to be treated as having been bound over conditionally to attend the trial, the Attorney-General or the person committed for trial may give notice, at any time before the opening of the sessions of the Supreme Court at which the accused person has been committed to be tried, to the committing Magistrate's Court and at any time thereafter to the Registrar of the Supreme Court that he desires the witness to attend at the trial, and any such Court or Registrar to whom any such notice is given shall forthwith notify the witness that he is required so to attend in pursuance of his recognizance. Assented to in Her Majesty's name this 6th day of our Lord October, 1965. prosecute (or to prosecute and give evidence or to give evidence) in the matter of a charge of..against And whereas it has been made to appear to me be information upon oath that the said.. is about to go. (2) When a person charged with any offence against section 17 of the Larceny Act, 1916 (relating to embezzlement) and it is proved that he stole the property in question, he may be convicted of stealing it although he was not charged with that offence; and when a person is charged with stealing any chattel, money or valuable security he may, in like manner, be convicted of embezzlement, or of fraudulent application or disposition as the case may be. Date of assent: 01 March 2065. Power to take depositions of persons dangerously ill. 62. (2)Such warrants issued by any Magistrate's Court shall be enforce by the Magistrate of the district in which the person against whom such warrants or any goods and chattels of such person, may be found. 212. Section 47 of the principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion immediately after the word "makes" in the third line thereof, of the following words "or cases to be made". 129. H i l l University of Washington. (7)The Court may dispense with sureties if, in its opinion, its so dispensing will not tend to defeat the ends of justice. 136. B.and C..D. were then carrying on a genuine business as jewelers the Western Area of Sierra. b)by the substitution for the words "six months" in lines two and three thereof of the words "one yeaf'. (1) A person who alleges that an enactment or anything contained in or done under the authority of that or any other enactment is inconsistent with, or is in contravention of a provision of this Constitution, may at any time bring an action in the Supreme Court for a declaration to that effect. WHEREAS.(name of accused) has the day appeared before me charged with. Issue of search warrants and proceedings thereunder. Number of Act: 3. (1) After the examination of the witnesses called on behalf of the prosecution, and provided that the Court does not consider that the case should be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of section 118, the Court shall address the accused as follows, "The charge (or charges) is (or are).(read the charge or charges). And whereas the condition of the said recognisance has not been performed: Now these are to order you to pay the sum of.the amount of such recognisance. (2) Where the prosecution does not put in the statement the Judge, on the application of the defence, may order the statement to be read at the conclusion of the prosecution evidence as part of the prosecution case. However, the key arbitration legislation in Sierra Leone, Chapter 25 of the Laws of Sierra Leone 1960 (Cap 25) is in the process of being revised. B. and C.D. 177. (4)Where the jurors are not unanimous in their findings the Judge shall, after the lapse of such time as he thinks reasonable, discharge the jury. SCOPE The death penalty can be imposed for the following civil and military crimes: Treason and related offences under the Treason and State Offences Act 1963; Murder under the English common law and section 121 of the CPA No 32 of Of 19.The Court is informed by the Attorney-General on the half of Our Lady the Queen at the instance of C.D. (1) No indictment shall be signed or filed in respect of any criminal offence unless there has been a committal for trial consequent upon a previous preliminary investigation in accordance with the provisions of Part III or an enquiry or inquest held in accordance with the provisions of the Coroners Act, except in the case of indictments which by law may be preferred by the direction of, or with the consent in writing of, a Judge, and, in the case of informations known as ex-officio informations, by the Attorney-General: Provided that where the accused has been committed for trial the indictment may include either in substitution for or in addition to counts charging the offence for which he was committed, any counts founded on facts or evidence disclosed in the depositions being counts which may be lawfully joined in the same indictment. 121. The Sheriff and Keeper and Chaplain of the Prison or other minister of religion and such other person present (if any) as the Sheriff requires or allows shall also sign a declaration in duplicate to the effect that judgment of death has been executed on the offender. But whatever you say now may be given in evidence notwithstanding such promise or threat." In default of the amount being recovered by such distress and sale, the recognisors may be imprisoned for any period not exceeding sixty days, but the Court in or before which the condition of any recognizance ought to be performed may cancel or mitigate the forfeiture upon such terms and conditions (if any) as the Court may think just. Means of an advertisement inserted BY them, the said a charged with Power! Act, 2011, on the.. day the Western Area of Sierra Leone, sold, uttered and! Shall be charged and tried in any one of such Districts & quot ; to... To appear before me to, namely Power to search for strangers Diamond... 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