Your ex lied about seeing someone else for one or both reasons: To protect you from . Your emotional fortitude and an ability to show mercy and exercise forgiveness, regardless of whatever happens between you and your ex, will be something that your ex will find attractive and draw him or her to you if they are a good person who values integrity and honesty, that is. You can get your power back simply by backing off the moment your ex lies about dating someone else. Definitely going through this right now, last night my ex gf lied too me about doing something so I went to pass by her house cus I noticed it was a lie she was not even online n checked to see if she was with someone and she was, I couldnt believe it as she was just with me 30 min before and noticed that it was the same van as before when I accused her of being in that van with someone as they drove off, which ofc she denied a month earlier. Web today we are going to tackle the question of why your ex girlfriend might be Start worrying about yourself The more sexual and romantic attraction she feels for you, the more willing and even happy she will be to open back up to you. Web today we are going to tackle the question of why your ex girlfriend might be In some cases, a woman simply cant make up her mind about how she feels about a guy. However, heres the important point: Just because he hasnt completely moved on yet doesnt mean he will magically come back to you. I hope you enjoyed the article. However, if you just sit around asking, Why is my ex girlfriend lying about having a new boyfriend? and doing nothing to re-attract her sexually and romantically, the other guy will likely sweep her off her feet and you may end up losing her forever. But confronting your ex about it is not the right way to go about it. If the relationship broke down because of their behavior then spreading lies about you maintains their delusion. lol. So I have to accept that and try to move on with my new guy, to catch her ex out in his lie. Our team of coaches at With My Ex Again is here to help you navigate these murky waters and tell you what you need to know and what to do. Whether your ex boyfriend or girlfriend is ignoring you for the first time, again or all of a sudden, there is an explanation. Appreciate what you already have and do not fret about an idealized past or an unrealized future. Its inner weakness that they perceive in you when they realize they have to lie to you to avoid your fits or emotional breakdowns. And also, if youre looking for personalized 1-on-1 guidance,click hereto see our coaching plans. They are taking all this hurt out on you. Enter your email below to watch the video for FREE right now. that I get hurt, and I get traumatized. This thread has been locked by the moderators of r/askwomenadvice. when I asked him why he said because that is where I had him. i never told my girlfriend that i saw my ex at the gym. The main reason why an ex with a girlfriend keeps contacting you is that hes used to talking to you and respects you as a person (not as a romantic partner). But it doesnt seem right. By lying to your ex in return, youre only perpetuating the cycle of lies and risk making the situation worse. The guy basically betrayed her trust by telling me. While it works for some people as a comfort zone in helping them quickly get out there, rebounding sometimes has negative effects since they did not leave room for proper healing from their past relationship.. Now that I think about it, I dont think I know anyone who doesnt lie. If shes worried about you creating drama or getting very angry, she would rather lie to you than risk having to deal with an emotional outburst of some kind. And if your ex happens to be watching from a distance as he or she regretfully bemoans lying to you, show them that their lies had absolutely no effect on you, or your emotional and mental state. Press J to jump to the feed. Didnt our love mean anything to you? This push is usually the straw that breaks the camels back, powerful enough to end all emotional attachments you may have with your ex, and give you the strength to confidently move on without looking back. Unfortunately, from your vantage point, your boyfriend could be telling the truth. Maybe the breaking up wasn't something you wanted. You cant treat them like you once did. OR. Those belong in a different category. You can ask for advice on handling a specific situation, but not for us to tell you what is inside another person's mind. Let them know how their actions are affecting you. 4. Instead, she becomes even more stubborn and thinks things like, How dare he demand things of me. Knowing her might end up making her know that you and your ex both dated, which may start making things messy. My Ex Is Drinking/Partying After A Breakup. Most guys will never discover this secret and as a result, they miss out on getting their ex woman back. I dont want a coward or a lair back. Let the ex go and move on with your life. whether she has a new boyfriend or not) rarely makes her open up and tell you. She will then have to deal with him falling apart in front of her, or on a phone call. This is the only way they know to get your attention. They feel the need for a fresh relationship and being wanted. Feelings will calm down. Your ex was impatient (impulsive) and at the same time, afraid of telling you the truth because he or she was afraid of your reaction. Sometimes, you are even tempted to cyber-stalk, and check in on them to see if they are doing great without you. Why Are My Exs Friends Contacting Me And Being So Nice To Me? Or they might flaunt a new partner in front of you. He doesnt flaunt it or act like he won or bring it up to piss me off or whatever guys do when they are trying to look bigger than they are. If this doesnt work, talk to your friends and explain what is going on. If you feel youve made any mistakes, forgive yourself for them and intend to move forward with your life with a clean conscience. He actually doesnt know how to talk to girls and was never the aggressor even with me. While a person might quickly get into a rebound relationship, even when they have not moved on from their ex, being happy dating someone new could also be a sign your ex is over you. I can never understand why he did this to me. Yet as soon as I have my back turned shes with someone else. Your letter is not about your ex being a d*ck. When again she was just with me the day prior. It applies to single people, married people, and all occasional liars of different sexes, ages, colors, and cultures who find themselves in an uncomfortable situation. And thats it. Your life should be about you. The human mind can only process so much at any given time. When the spark between two lovers is no longer what it used to be, a breakup might be just around the bend. Or, they might be spreading rumors to get your attention. this led into a conversation of me asking him how much he was really interested. Or is he trying to feed his ego or make me jealous or just seem like he is when he really didnt. I needed this 2 months ago when I found out my ex lied to me. Training and Certification You have a breakup to get over, shortcomings to improve, self-esteem to develop, and your life to improve. I enjoy being treated like a princess by my new boyfriend., Yet, on the other hand, she will be thinking, I do miss my ex though. They also deserve to be happy, so keeping the new one hidden initially may be their way of not trying to jinx things or make the same mistakes from the past. You do not need to get sucked into your exs vicious cycle and absorb the lies into your own life. Whether you want them to stop so you can get back with them, or want to move on, we can help! No one can read minds. Since he may not be sure how you'll react to his moving on, especially if he's the one that did the dumping. Recently, Ive had to give a white lie to my ex since he continues to cross boundaries. Shakira said theres a place in hell for women who dont support other women as she continues to publicly slam her cheating ex Gerard Piqu and his new girlfriend. So if your ex is still talking to you, hanging out with you, and trying to help you get over the breakup, your ex most likely lied to you for you first and himself or herself second. Your ex just wasnt sure if you could handle the truth, so your ex lied out of protection and self-protection to avoid a messy situation from spiraling out of control. Fortunately, his mom became suspicious of the situation and encouraged him to go to doctor appointments with his girlfriend. But maybe I just dont know him at all anymore maybe freedom turned him into a scumbag . If her ex then quickly says something like, No! It took time to pick up the broken pieces, so don't let him do it again. how has school been? In some instances, an ex can be extremely sorry and genuinely remorseful of their actions, enough so that they are willing to live with the shame and guilt of lying to you and keeping the secret they are protecting you from all to themselves. But humans like to label and put things into categories. When both guys want her, she can then think to herself, Cool! I instantly regret it afterward and wish I was emotionally stronger, but I suppose I dont want to tell the truth because Im afraid of the consequences. He's probably afraid you'll mess up his parade with his new woman. Are you wondering why your ex would lie to you about seeing someone else? Then, when things have calmed down and he has begun to move on, I can dump my new guy and find the man of my dreams.. Finding out the truth might open a can of worms even after the relationship may have ended. Similar to blaming, Paul says anger is a sign that they have not moved on, which tracks with the grief stage of a breakup. While dating them, you may have noticed he never shares his life or relationship on social media. That's why they are called exes, right? Advertisement. Why go to the trouble to be dishonest and risk getting caught lying? Anyone but pathological liars, of course. And yet, the person who has caused this pain walking around as if nothing has happened. Lying, to them, ensures that they can have their cake and eat it too. While its officially over between you both, your ex may have a few skeletons kept away in his cupboard. He didnt lie because he wanted to help you, but because he wanted a clean transition from one relationship to the next. In some cases, a woman will quickly get into a rebound relationship (the relationship someone has right after getting out of a serious, long term relationship) with a guy who isnt her ideal man, just to help herself get over her ex and not go back to him. You should instead pursue friendships with people who have your best interests at heart because those are the people who cant hurt you as easily as your ex. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. For a man like this, lying to you about his new flame may just be a way of saying you are no longer part of his life. 1. Be sure to take it all in! Today I told him I was going to my yearly gyno appointment and asked if he had been with anyone in the last 6months other than me. Time might make things better. She will then try to be the best girlfriend she can be for you, to prove that she would never do that again. You can be friends with your ex later on if you still want to. This is what happens when you defy them. But right now (if youre hurting), friendship with your ex is out of the question. You feel betrayed and disrespected. Even if she isnt happy with him, shes probably not going to come out and say that to you. (Side note he was not visiting for sex that day. Some lies are white lies, meaning that they have good intentions. They may not be justifiable because lies are still lies, but youve got to agree with me that white lies dont intend to cause harm. Finding out why your ex lied about seeing someone else could help you discover your exs true nature. Your ex lied for himself as he showed no sympathy and made the breakup hard on you. Mentally and emotionally invest in whatever it is that youre doing this very second. This was not your decision to make. When I reached out asked if he had moved on he ghosted me. Another common reason why your ex girlfriend could be lying about having a new boyfriend is. They will pop up in places they know you frequent. It can be devastating when you are the subject of gossip and vicious rumors. One time recently I brought it up in a funny way while we were being intimate and his response was, in a cocky proud kinda way was, oh-yeah! And laughed. I know that were not together anymore, but we did love each other before. Eventually he pulled away from me Your ex may also understand that by coming clean to you, they would just be clearing their own conscience at the cost of your pain, which can come off as selfish, depending on who you ask. So dont talk to your ex, dont stalk your exs social media, and most importantly, dont blame yourself for your exs actions. Hed think poorly of you, treat you like a stranger, and much rather just focus on himself and put his time and energy toward the new person. It feels good to know that my new boyfriend finds me desirable, while at the same time, my ex cant get over me either. Should I just give up on my ex and focus on building a new relationship, or should I give my ex another chance and see where things go from there?. You'll probably admit you've seen a situation where someone is in a relationship but is still stuck on their ex. WebA couple of weeks ago we hung out had a good time and then I noticed a couple of days later he had moved me to the last of his friends on myspace. Some men are pretty private with their personal affairs and would prefer to lie just to keep their personal lives to themselves. Been working on me for the last two months. Even if youre in a new relationship, your ex might want you to feel he was still waiting for me. He never hid the fact that he was talking and possibly dating other girls. I know its hard, but you have to look after yourself now. He is also very obsessed with being clean (diseases and germs) and hated going out with the guys to strip clubs because they were gross and demeaning. Did he actually do it? This makes her look at you in a more positive light and realize that you probably are the right guy for her after all. Advice Column: How To Move On From A Lying Ex. I know I broke up with you, but I still have feelings for you, so its hard to just move on. You never have to repeat the words my ex is lying to yourself ever again (at least as it pertains to this ex) unless to reflect on it so as not to commit any of the same mistakes. WebWhy is my ex lying about having a girlfriend . If you dated a boyfriend that's an unrepentant cheat, a liar, and is perhaps deceiving his current girlfriend, the circumstances of his actions may make him deny having a girlfriend. At least, romantically and perhaps in other ways. I said the same and I know I didnt lie. Hanging Out With An Ex While In A Relationship. Except people fall out of love for lots of reasons. Being able to show not only my passion for writing, but also my passion to help others in their relationships, means the absolute world to me and I hope to continue doing so. Remember, emotions are at their most raw and intense immediately after a break-up. (21 Things to Consider), 19 Signs You Have a Second Chance at Love with an Ex, 2. Shame on you. There have been cases where a jilted lover attacked the new partner of their ex. disapproves of such behavior (see partners disapproval). And this also means that you are no longer entitled to certain aspects of their life. Was he kind, supportive, and always treated you with dignity? Ignore the following text - it's meant for search engines: due to substance abuse after our breakup. 2023 Elite Communication Coaching, LLC. Neither of you knows what to say, how to say it, and when. Ive just binge read this and should I leave my gf for another girl. What the hell does that even mean? More on that later How long do rebound relationships last? They are lonely. He didnt even have the balls to tell me (even though he said he would, should have known better, shame on me) instead he posted about his new girl on his IG feed for me to see. Maybe they want sympathy from others and painting you in a bad light helps them achieve this. CLICK HERE!. Dan Bacon is an ex back expert. Instead, shes going to say whatever it takes to show you that shes okay and moving on without you. The kind of person your ex while dating him is key to knowing their reason for lying. Should I Leave My Girlfriend For Another Girl? 00:08. This is about getting you back, although in a reverse psychology kind of way. Take a deep breath and a step back. Its best you unfollow your ex and move on. Thanks for the article. Perhaps you have mutual friends and they want to keep up the faade of being innocent in the break-up. Why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend If you ever loved your ex boyfriend/girlfriend and want to get him/her back then this book recommendation can be your ticket to restore what was lost. When relationships end we enter into a kind of grieving process. However, if there are signs your ex still has strong feelings for you, it's best to keep the distance and set clear boundaries so that you can avoid messing up your new relationship. Most of the time, dating is self-explanatory, so they just naturally get closer over time and much later, agree to be exclusive. And thats basically it. WebWhy is my ex lying about having a girlfriend . Another way to move on that will also require a steely resolve is to regain a newfound worth for your own life without your ex. WebIf you were clingy or needy with your ex in your past relationship, youre probably telling yourself, my ex is lying because he or she might be trying to teach you a lesson. A friend approached me and told me that an ex had just arrived. Try and find the person who is spreading the rumors. Theres no way you have enough time on your hands to worry about your exs behavior too. Her emotional needs are not being met. Youll be thinking about them and the relationship. I only want whats best for you.. And you, whos supposed to be the main provider of that emotional fulfilment, are not doing your job. Its also possible your ex wasnt ready to declare he was dating someone new because hed only seen that person a couple of times. This is great! He's probably afraid you'll mess up his parade with his new woman. We talked about our usual nerdy things we always had amazing compatibility and 20 years we were happily together and only had eyes for me). If you learned that your ex lied about dating another man or woman, you probably feel abandoned, replaced, and lied to. Alternatively, a woman might fear that her ex will lose his temper with her and become aggressive or even violent if she comes out and tells him that she had a new boyfriend. by using humor to break down her defenses, flirting with her to create sexual tension, showing her via your actions and behavior that youre a new man now). Sometimes, people tell lies because they care about how others may feel. Being happy after a breakup means one has come to terms with what happened in a previous relationship, learned from the experience, without denting their image or self-esteem. He wont breadcrumb you, confuse you, get angry with you, point out your flaws, and blame you for the end of the relationship. After all, someone who would want to be with you wouldnt break up with you. However, what if your ex seems to be hiding their new girl from you? He would confide in me about it and even when we were intimate he said I was the only one he could get ___ with and even still had some problems with me. Usually when two people separate, they have been unhappy and disconnected for quite awhile, so they feel like theyve been alone for a long time. When I told D.E. WebSkip to content Home; About Us; Specials; Contact Us; Blog; Schedule Appointment; why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend So, rather than trying to guilt your ex girlfriend into being honest with you (which, even if it works, isnt necessarily going to make her want you back), just focus on re-attracting her sexually and romantically whenever you interact with her. That means from the moment you met until the moment you decided to call it quits. 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